Mendoza Line

It’s possible it was milsim (costume armor airsofters use).  Other possibilities are that it was soft armor, like cops wear, or that Dayton police roll with ARs in their trunks.  No armor is going to stand up to multiple rounds for very long.  

I take your point. I’ve never claimed to not be an asshole. This might have been the wrong argument at the wrong time, but when is the right time? Isn’t that the excuse Republicans always use? “Now is not the time to politicize a tragedy,” and all that. If I felt like I was not serving my purpose here I would not

Fair enough.

I’ll save you the trouble of reading my comment history- it’s terrible jokes, a Meghan McCain bit I’ve used too many times, a bunch of pro gun arguments, and a bunch of Anti-NRA arguments. I am a liberal gun owner. And the simple fact there are minority gun groups, and liberal gun groups, gay gun groups, etc. Shows

This is not semantics. These are legally defined terms. So when someone says a man was sold a machine gun, and then people read it or hear it on TV or whatever, and they think full auto weapons are handed out to the general population. Then when they hear about “common sense gun laws” they think “oh, we need to ban

So let’s all pretend we are ignorant? No, lets talk about facts. Using perpusfully scary words to describe weapons is a scare tactic used by gun grabbers. I wont participate and I will call it out when I see it. It if you want to have a real debate start by calling it what it is.

No you don’t care. You have formed a belief without learning anything about the position you are taking.  You are admitting that you are ignorant on your position and are happy in your ignorance.

It's not just semantics.  They are very different things.  And I'm not going to say a position is wrong, but yes, when you have no idea what you are talking about, then I'm not going to listen to your position.

Hey dipshit.  It's not semantics.  There is a material difference between the two.  Maybe educate yourself before taking a position.

A machine gun is a weapon that fires multiple rounds with one trigger press. A semi auto fires one round with one trigger press. They are very different things. Anyone who says they are is either speaking from a position of ignorance, or are using scare tactics to advance their position.

A machine gun is a firearm that fires more than one round with a single trigger press. You can only buy or sell a machine gun when the internals were made before 1986, pay a 200 dollar tax and wait months for the ATF to approve it. Because of this the value of automatic weapons skyrocketed. There are about 630,000

Nobody sold a fucking machine gun. It is a semi automatic rifle.  Why don't you educate yourself before taking a position. 

For kidney, garbanzo, and navy-

I'd trade Beto for some magic beans at this point.

Mike DeWine is a weird looking little dude. I had to do a google image search to make sure you didn’t just grab the most awkward picture of him you could find, and yeah, hes a weird little dude. I’m sure there’s a blog post to go with the photo, but wow, he looks like Al Franken and a Keebler elf had a baby. He looks

Perhaps he feels interacial groping should be left up to the states. 

First, as a union member I would absolutely love it if a bargaining chip (my fucking health) were taken away from the company.

What I am trying to explain to you, though, is that that is just not true.

Lets talk about the rifle. He used an SKS which may be described to you as an AK type rifle. It is not. It has a ten round fixed magazine and no pistol grip (unless you buy a conversion stock like in PUBG, but that is generally agreed to damage the gun and be cheaply made.) If the SKS is unmodified, it is not an

If the majority of people who only wanted “common sense” gun control actually knew how gun laws worked, we could have an adult conversation. Since they don’t, and mostly through in with the gun grabbers, we can’t. That’s why the 2A is so important.