Hand guns are the best weapon for home defense. You can keep them close to your body and dont have to worry about an attacker grabbing the barrel.
Hand guns are the best weapon for home defense. You can keep them close to your body and dont have to worry about an attacker grabbing the barrel.
Shanahan's always been more of an offensive mind anyway. Wait, is this deadspin or splinter?
Exactly. My aunt married a very nice man in the mid seventies. They had three children (my cousins), and then he decided he could no longer live a lie. They still have a friendly relationship, but with the years of his life he had to pretend he was something he wasnt, I'm pretty sure that was uncomfortable, too. So I…
A sub group is a group within a larger group. I really dont think this guy is capable of nuance.
Don't forget "super champions."
The truly hilarious part is that after all this information has come out, and knowing the NYDA is probably going to find something, the online Fudds are still defending the NRA. Oh well, fools and their money.
Two memories come to mind.
We elected the son and grandson of a Nazi collaborator as president. We are all going to hell anyway. Enjoy your donuts.
Or does it give the DNC the chance to lose 9 candidates in one night so the next round has a lot less candidates?
I dont know the family or live in that district, but since I’m anonymous on the internet I’m going to say his sense of entitlement stretches further back than his military service. He has probably been guided on a path to be a congressman from an early age. Like a congressional Kavanaugh.
And I’ll bet hes screaming at her right now about loyalty.
Killmeade is telling him what to say tomorrow, because he knows hes watching. That's crazy.
Guns don't go off early. People use poor trigger discipline and fire guns early. But yes, that sounds plausible.
“I’ll tell you what, I’ve seen a lot of things over my life. Russians want to launder money through my properties, Italians tell me that a construction projects going to be over budget, never went to the FBI. Not how it works in the real world.”
Not sure about pores, bu these images remind me of a presentation from the PS2 rollout where the manipulates the face in real time
Yeah, but what if Blandy McBlandsfield from East Blandsylvania has some really great economic policy initiatives and nobody's watching because he's in the Democratic NIT.
They need to do an NCAA style seeding so we aren't stuck with all the lames in one debate. It will also create a draw for the second round.
Well then they might not be for you. The GOA believes that all gun laws are an infringement and should be overturned, which in my opinion is just not going to happen. The thing is I’ve seen the slippery slope in action here in Maryland. They add new fun laws that dont work on top of old gun laws that dont work. If…
Depends on what you mean by propaganda lies.