So, he's a nationalist.. and a socialist? Intersting.
So, he's a nationalist.. and a socialist? Intersting.
Yes, Meghan McCain, daughter of John McCain, is in fact the daughter of John McCain, Meghan McCain’s father. However, Meghan McCain, daighter of John McCain and noted attention whore, does not feel it's appropriate for others to talk about John McCain, father of Meghan McCain and noted attention whore. So please don't…
“Remember this. The people you’re trying to step on, we’re everyone you depend on. We’re the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner. We make your bed. We guard you while you’re asleep. We drive the ambulances. We direct your call. We are cooks and taxi drivers and we know everything about…
Meghan McCain, who is John McCain's daughter would take issue with you bringing her father, John McCain, into this conversation. John McCain.
Murders in Baltimore have not gone down, AT ALL. Mass shootings have gun up in Maryland since 2013. The laws enacted have not stopped the killing. Because the problem is societal, not guns.
Dont tell me what to be.
ThePriceofEggsinMalta was talking about it.
Your are flat out wrong. Gun laws have become more restrictive in several states. My state, Maryland, passed several laws after Sandy Hook. More gun laws have gone into effect since Trump took office than in the entirety of Obama’s two terms.
Florida is a shall issue state. There are people concealed carrying all the time. Debating whether teachers who cc off campus should be trusted to do it durring school hours is different than gun violence as a whole.
My argument was directed towards an alarmist who feels that armed teachers are going to go postal or otherwise accidentally murder a class full of kids, and I am debating that issue, not the larger topic of ways to control gun violence.
Every year gun laws become more and more restrictive and every year we have more and more gun deaths. This is a societal problem, not a gun problem. It has been proven over and over again that gun control, especially when written by people that dont len guns, does nothing.
Im talking about legal concealed carriers committing violence, not all gun violence. Would you like to discuss gun violence as a whole?
First of all, that list has nothing to do with what we are discussing- allowing teachers to be armed, and concealed carriers being responsible firearm owners.
Exactly. So this Republican state Senator is talking out his ass. I'm as shock as you are
Learn something new everyday. Thank you.
Everyday in this country, millions of Americans carry concealed. Everyday is not a bloodbath in the streets of people panic shooting or "going rambo." Why would this happen just because it's a fucking school. This is Florida, with ccw permits. Most, if not all of the teachers who would volunteer for this probably…
As a "minimally trained" adult gun owner, it is not at all a big leap of faith.
Do teachers have an actual duty to protect students? The deputy swore an oath to defend citizens. Is it in their union contract or state law that they must endanger their lives to save their students? Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but this is different than the Aaron Feis Gaurdian Program.
Libertarians= (Republicans-Christian Coalition)(actually believe it)