Very poor choice of words. Bloomberg runs Everytown For Gun Safety. Which ever side of the debate your on you can’t deny that he gains supporters with every mass shooting.
Very poor choice of words. Bloomberg runs Everytown For Gun Safety. Which ever side of the debate your on you can’t deny that he gains supporters with every mass shooting.
No it’s not. Half its money comes from members. It serves Ackerman and McQueen and the gun companies. Not gun owners.
I’m okay with that. But there are some who are trying to remove all weapons from the house if the police are called to a house. Even the victim’s weapons. Does that make sense?
The stricter gun laws were put into effect in 2013. This includes a requirement to have a handgun qualification liscence to purchase a new handgun.
Give me some reasonable gun legislation. I'm not being an asshole, I swear. I want to hear a proposal and maybe discuss it like reasonable people.
I grew up in Baltimore and still live close to it. Our gun laws got way more stringent after Sandy Hook and it has gone nothing to curb violence of any kind. We need to help communities and worry about fixing our mental health system. Suicides and gang violence far outpace mass shootings
The NRA is mostly supported by firearms companies, not the firearms communities. Gun companies love panic buying. And the NRA gains new members every time theres a threat of a ban or new legislation. They profit just as much as Bloomberg from these tragedies.
I am asking what is the supposed difference between a firearm and an assault weapon. Or do you believe there is not one
TThe definition I learned was a gun so cheap due to the metal it was made from that it couldn’t be built for standard self defense rounds (9mm and up), so they were chambered in .25 and .32 and were made by the Jennings’ companies. But as it turns the Jennings are still making guns because Pheonix Arms is still in…
They dont make "Saturday night specials" anymore.
What is the difference between an assault weapon and a weapon?
This is crazy. The NRA supports red flag laws and the bumpstock ban. Why would they fight for this?
They are called assault weapons because some politicians decided to start calling them assault weapons
I’m pretty sure you dont know what conflate means.
Because asshole internet commenters will conflate reasoned criticism of the nation of Isreal with a whack jobs anti semitic conspiricy? That's why it matters?
I would offer in my defense that my take is toxicly masculine in nature, not homophobic. I do not fear being sexually assaulted by Lindsey Graham or that if I were in a confined space with him I would catch his gayness. I’m just saying he claims to be an upstanding Southern christian man, and I’ve never seen a picture…
I feel sorry for the senator. Between his repressed homosexuality and his political spinelessness, he probably doesnt even know who he really is anymore
Republicans are going to see this as vindication, and Democrats are going to see it as Trump getting away with it. Totally expected.
This might be hard to understand, but shooting targets at a range is almost therapeutic. You are in your own little world. It may be that his parents felt they were helping him if he still had an interest. Another possibility being that they didnt have him in therapy and ignored any warning signs.
My home defense guns are loaded but still locked away from my kids in a combo safe that the kids dont know the combination too. I say “guns” because my wife and I have different taste in guns. That’s the only reason we have more than one gun loaded. My other guns are unload, separated from ammo and locked in a gun…