
The thing that drove me nuts with Jason's snooping was, like, you can buy thermal imaging cameras on fucking AMAZON. I know, I just checked to be sure. I have a feeling a militant right-wing terrorist group / defunct military contractor is gonna have access to that shit.

Loved the opening. When this season started, I got the urge to watch Breaking Bad again, and I'm right about at the spot in season 4 where that came up. So that was mildly mind-blowing.

I specifically came here to see if you'd mention that shameless Ford Fusion shill.

I was wondering the same thing, but that's a good answer. I'll go with it.

Well, Breaking Bad's whole run covered an in-universe span of what? Two years, right?

I could just watch a show called "Mike Being Sarcastic and Methodical"

I can see why you'd find that a contradiction. After all, only one crossbow was ever made in the whole world.

Oh, you would've REALLY disliked the comics, then.

I'm okay with the "slow burn" method of story-telling. In fact I often defend it quite passionately.

Is Rosita had cried "I LOVE YOU, HARRY!" at the end, that whole episode would've been worth it.

And a new subset of Daryl / Jesus shippers emerged tonight.

I defended a few of the other bottle episodes this season, but this one was just a bridge too far for me. Especially this late in the season, and a season that frankly hasn't been so wonderful.


You'd be surprised how nestled away some of them can be. I can think of three in the immediate vicinity of where I live where that's the case. You'd never know they were there just sticking to main roads.

It really makes you appreciate how they mostly use practical effects, though. Imagine if the whole show was poorly-done CGI like that.

That was a fun, lighter episode. . . as far as this show goes. Too much in a way. Well, not in and of itself, but the show has made me cynical. Good things happening to the characters makes me worried. I spent the last third of the episode wondering what god-awful setback was gonna come and erase the gains they made.

You gotta let the distance thing go, man. These settlements might not seem THAT far apart in linear distance, but square mileage adds up. Like I said a couple weeks ago, even a 30-mile radius is about 2800 square miles. 35-mile radius: about 3800, 40: 5000, and so on. It grows quickly.

Megan. . . I like that. Either that's a typo or that's a good nickname.

Negan is arrogant and myopic, at least I HOPE that's what they're trying to convey.

Probably because if the girls were caught with them it would be no different from HIM being caught with them. Negan would know right away who made them.