
At least they ESTABLISHED that many weeks have passed in-universe. Helps with some of that "speed of plot" issue.

Where did they even GET a set of dead-dragon-retrieval chains on such short notice anyway? THAT'S the part I wanna know. They just had those around, in case this happened? The Night King plans ahead, you gotta give him that.

"temporarily rendered idiots"

Being a little generous with A grades, aren't we? It wasn't terrible, but as far as Rick and Morty goes, I thought the episode was a miss. It had a couple funny parts, but I didn't love it like I did Rickshank Redemption or Pickle Rick.

Man, THIS episode and PICKLE RI-IIIIIIICK!!!! In one night.

I've been a firm believer in the explanations used to address this whole "moving at the speed of plot" thing: the events shown aren't necessarily happening in that order, we're simply not seeing the long travel times and several weeks very well COULD have passed between scenes, etc.

Every time Cersei is on screen now, I just see a Romulan. The hair, the eyebrows, the constant scowl, the severe clothes she's rocking these days.

No, it's how much OTTO sucks. Don't draw the rest of us down with him.

The old lady died in her sleep and reanimated and her stumbling around woke up the husband. Anytime a piece of information like this isn't directly spoon fed to you, just assume it has a very prosaic explanation that would've been boring to depict on screen. That's a sore spot I have with some viewers, they just HAVE

I watched the next several episodes last night, too. I won't go into the story, but I WILL say for those of you like me who hate cringe, what we saw in that segment isn't at all what the show is like as a whole, so it's pretty safe to watch the rest of it ^_^

I thought the practice montage at home was cute, but making herself look stupid in the ring like that. Can cringe comedy please FUCKING DIE already? I can't do it, I vicariously experience too much of the character's embarrassment and it just gets enjoyable to watch.

I didn't even notice the all Spanish thing, I was just busy watching the episode. Well, I mean, I was aware I was reading subtitles and shit, but it never occurred to me it was anything out of the ordinary.

No mention of how they chose to depict Kim's accident at the end? I thought that was sheer genius, I'd never seen anything like that done before, but it's such a perfect depiction of what that would be like.

Well, I think his plan was to keep at it until he hit paydirt, and that's just where it finally happened, so he didn't need to go further. If that hadn't done it, I hate to think what more he'd try, but it would've been fun to watch.

I think the stuff with Chuck works here because there's such a difference between watching him suffer the consequences of an underhanded scheme blowing up in his face, and watching him suffer something that he didn't really bring on himself.

Heh, that really puts a new spin on Howard's "Charlie Hustle" nickname for Jimmy. ^_^

1. (noun) A plot device frequently invoked by lazy screenwriters.

Mike is far too badass to have ever gone down that easily. He really should've pulled out the bullet and thrown it back at Walt with such force that it killed HIM.

“Is the legal profession better with Jimmy McGill in it?”

I dunno, seeing the origins of the superlab this many years before it happened. Kinda feels like the end of Revenge of the Sith when they showed the frame of the Death Star in the distance. I appreciate the shoutout, but it felt like a bit of a reach.