
No one seems to have mentioned how Eugene GOT the idea to pour molten metal on a walker's head. Does no one remember that episode from last season? I don't know it was MEANT to be a callback to that episode, but it works as one.

I think Eugene is just being pragmatic.

No, that makes him even MORE wrong! Kettle chips are awesome!

Daryl's threat to Richard kinda reminded me of The Godfather.

I don't wanna get specific, but I think you're gonna be pretty happy with where the story goes later on.

I keep thinking of the Mouth of Sauron from Return of the King.

Or screw numbers, just bring up a map and locate where you live now. Pick a few towns on the map about 30 miles away (as the crow flies, not road mileage), pick a few in each direction until you can sort of picture a circle.

Well. the Saviors communicate by walkie-talkie and even the best ones have a range of 30-50 miles tops (I looked that up after LAST WEEK'S episode). Of course. . . do the WRITERS know that?

I love that walker in the makeshift armor that they keep showing in the previews, I can't wait to see that it.

That was a much thinner wire and Kirk approached it at a much higher speed.

I don't think it's THAT unrealistic. I don't know how many people live in the greater DC area now, but it's gotta be millions, so a few hundred survivors is perfectly reasonable.

Nope, they're new. They have no known name yet, but some fans have nicknamed them the Garbage Pail Kids.

Well, thank god you cleared that up. No one would've known what I was talking about otherwise.

Know how whenever they show Homer being clean shaven on the Simpsons (or at least back when it was good, I stopped watching years and years ago), seconds later the beard line just kinda reappears?

I liked seeing Rick get his gun back, though. A real Sweeney Todd "my arm is whole again" kinda moment.

Oh, for God's sake. Killing off a hated character should've been easy and made so many people happy, and they STILL found a way to fuck it up!

That too, possibly.

There's reason to hope, though. The last time South Park acknowledged their problems, in the Cartoon Wars episode where there was some jokes about how at least Family Guy doesn't get all preachy and soapboxy, the show started to cool it with that, it wasn't long before you stopped seeing so much of Kyle's "I've

I had more fun watching this one than the several previous episodes, but it didn't really make up for, well, the several previous episodes.

I suspect that scene with the enormous gun would've been a lot cooler if Coral was still just a little kid like he was in the comics at the time. I don't think he was much more than ten or eleven, and the gun was bigger than HE was. That's fucking AWESOME!