
In that case, I was hoping the episode would end with Negan disemboweling Spencer like he does in the comics. I mean, they're setting up Spencer to go behind Rick's back here just like he did in the comics. And I suspect it'll score Negan some MAJOR brownie points in the eyes of fans.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that part. It caused poor Coral to gouge out his good eye.

Unless I'm very wrong and they deviate from the source material, a MIGHTY cheer is going to arise from every viewer at once during one part of the next episode. I THOUGHT for a moment that might be where they'd end THIS episode.

At least the back half of the season should be really cool, if next week plays out how I think it might. Hopefully the show will stop hemorrhaging viewers by then.

It was better than most of the episodes so far for sure. I'd say of this season it's second only to the Kingdom episode. Let me rephrase: those were the only two GOOD episodes so far.

My summation of this episode is pretty simple: just read its title.

"The season is nearly half over and it still feels like the table is being set. Eventually you get so hungry, you start wondering if you should find dinner someplace else."

And I don't think THESE Saviors are really any better at handling themselves than the ones that Rick's guys heroically slaughtered in their sleep. Despite my sarcasm, it just occurred to me George Washington famously led a similar attack, there's a painting commemorating it and everything.

Yeah, well, last week's was like 10mg of cyanide.

And no knocking Coral's driving. He's EVERY bit as skilled behind the wheel as his mother was, and I'll fight anyone who disagrees.

Okay, that was an improvement. Still a little slow at first, but some fun moments, and watching Jesus kickbox a horde of zombies was pretty badass (shit, THERE'S a sentence I never thought I'd say). I even laughed at that lock on the car being shaped like a middle finger— which, yeah, I actually LAUGHED a couple times

Yep. That's what I was thinking as soon as they starting ranting against The Force Awakens, it was like, really, you're accusing it of being derivative and nostalgic?

Yeah, I think so, too.


It was the point in the episode where I ALMOST laughed.

The Simpsons went to hell because they abandoned their down-to-earth, character-based storytelling in favor of goofier, more cartoony zaniness.

Yeah, I think that part with all the boys uniting earlier in the season was a great parallel to how the alt-right suddenly grew among young people. These 18-year-old kids go off to college and their first real exposure to "liberals" is being told they're subhuman pieces of shit for things they themselves had nothing

You mean compared against not having a decent job in twenty years, seeing your children suffer a far worse standard of living than you did, knowing any chances of retired some day are fucked?

'Member when this show was funny and had relevant satire?

Nope, this just isn't working for me anymore.