
One more thing I'm curious about before I call it a night.

Well, it'll suck for YOU too if enough people stop watching.

It's not that, it's that there was enough to like DESPITE all that.

They've been patient for SIX YEARS!

And it's insulting the intelligence of the viewers at this point. Do they REALLY expect us to believe yup, that this is it. They're just eunuch servants for Negan now until they get tired of making episodes.

The question "Why are you still watching this show?" has been getting asked a lot lately.

Nihilistic! That's the word! I've been trying to think of a perfect way to describe why this doesn't work, and that's it!

It's more the WAY it's been grim lately. Like Game of Thrones is grim as FUCK, but they have the good sense to not spread it out over an hour. The Red Wedding was over in like two minutes and people who hadn't read the books were just beside themselves with shock.

If they stay true to the source material, it's gonna get pretty damn cool and more will be at stake in the future than just getting to spend another day in a living hell.

Yeah, we HAVE been paying attention and endured A LOT of this. But the show always knew when to bring it back from the brink just in time and do enough really cool stuff to make it engaging again.

That could be as big as the Lori's death dad jokes.

Yeah, I won't spoil it, but, ugh. I mean, we'll see where the comics go, if the story progresses in a way that would ALLOW them to do this differently, they should.

It's not about that, you oversimplifying mouth-breather.

My big fear right now is if they keep laying it on too thick with the Saviors abuse, people are gonna be PISSED with how this ends unless they deviate from the comics.

Are they just actively trying to antagonize their audience and repel them?

Well, just remember you'll be in a buttload of trouble if you hit one of your own students. ^_^

Well, I've just ran into SO MANY people like that over the past few. . . well, MONTHS, really, but especially these last two days.

I'm starting to think we're just feeding a troll.

As much as I'm sure its safe and warm up inside your own ass, you really need to pry your head out and look and listen.

You know nothing, Jon Snow.