
I thought this episode was only okay, I got a couple chuckles when Bill Cosby showed up, and when they all got Rickrolled.

Can someone make a meme of a three-legged pig screaming "TAINTED MEEEEEEEAT!" please?

There's so much I wanna chime in with here, but I don't wanna spoil it for anyone.

I think I've liked this show better than a lot of people, but man this one was not a good episode, like, at all.

"but it's clear from this review that some people want more hand-holding."

It's amazing how, horrible as she is, this show can sometimes make you go "Alright, Cersei!"

I love Lady Mormont, but bringing everyone together with a few choice words. This is getting dangerously close to Mary Sue territory.

Anyone think Cersei kinda looked a Romulan with the haircut and all decked out the in the black dress with the sharp corners?

Never underestimate the Deus Ex cavalry.


So I guess Frankenmountain is the name that the fans have settled on, then.

A moment of silence, please, for the worst kept secret in the history of television.

Seeing Trevor play a Savior was cool, though. That's about the only cool thing about it.

Here's what you're saying when you do what they just did:

Ugh, I mean, I liked the episode, but the last fight between Carol and. . . redheaded broad— I don't care what her name was— where I found myself damn near shouting at the screen:

Oh man, THAT episode illustrated to me just how intense a certain phobia of mine is. This is a show where wretched, rotting living corpses are roaming the world to devour the flesh of the living— as they've graphically depicted many, many times.

I thought they were gonna zoom out and you'd see the LA skyline in the distance, and then a huge explosion as the Cobalt directive was carried out. And then the camera just started going the wrong way.

"And all the military-versus-walkers stuff was a bit silly and overblown; if there were only 2,000 baddies out there, you’d think that 100 or so guys with fully loaded machine guns (and the knowledge that head shots were imperative) would’ve been a bit smarter and more tactical in taking them down. They’re not very

ALICIA! That's her name! I can never remember it, and will probably forget again. And keep forgetting unless they finally give her some interesting character development.

Well, if it's any consolation, I think that's more in line with what would really happen in a disaster like this. We have enough precedent to show that people really DON'T descend into anarchy during times of crisis.