
We’re not a totalitarian regime, we resent the accusation, and now we shall blacklist all media containing a certain subject to demonstrate this fact!

Oh no, how will they do all the important tableting functions that they surely perform?

Seattle has a baseball team??

Yea, as if this one library was the onlly place on earth to study.

I liked Moon, so sure?

The Lowe’s and Woj’s of the world say he is right on the edge. He has a couple gold medals too, which doesn’t hurt.

As someone whose office resides on that line, and is one of the only employees who drives back into town when I leave work, I salute this highly specific reference.

In the same way it’s funny that the infant morality rate in the US was 10% 100 years ago.

Its seemed like they pointed out how stupid both sides were, and the Raiders have a longer track record of stupidity. 

There’s just the one road....Go north or south man!

You say, “Come on in” and you don’t beat them.

What a stupid past time. Is it that important for gambling addicts to have something living to bet on and rich people to have some other expensive shit to own?

Survey says: Yes!

Well then.

I sitll think Gladwell is intelligent in that I enjoy the questions he comes up with... he just isn’t equipped to answer them.

“As long as I haven’t seen them before, I’ll happily watch as many as you put in front of me. I’d be perfectly content watching two hours of previews (although I said I wouldn’t pay for this privilege).”

Sean discovers the internet! 

What’s currently at Candlestick Point?

He aged far more gracefully than I would have extrapolated.

How many all-stars did all of the other teams put together have?

If you can’t trust a horse, who can you trust?

Wait, why can’t I drink?

Who wouldn’t be swayed by such a wordsmith?