Title 9 covers CTE
Title 9 covers CTE
Both swimming and figure skating have pretty bad records.
“We will not rest until we learn the truth about how Tyler came into possession of these narcotics, including who supplied them.”
Yes, bc as has been shown, attacking the supply side of the drug epidemic has produced marvelous results.
“gone from integral part achilles heel of Oklahoma City’s playoff rotation”
“Gase has energy like a power plant.”
Well, no, that garbage that he pours into his body does.
I don’t consider you here as an actual reader, just a wandering hate mongering troll who has no interest in the content of the site other than to fight with people in the comments.
Genuinely curious: where did you read about his political views?
Also, all of us here want very strict gun control, limiting the ability of extremists from any direction to access them.
Holy shit, we all definitely believe you.
“He will be remembered as the guy who reversed the fortunes of that franchise at the end of the Anthony Davis era”
“Why is every idiot saying ‘price point’ now? I blame this on HGTV home shows where everything is at a ‘price point’, but it adds nothing when you can just say ‘price.’ People use this talking about the price of everything now. It must be stopped.”
“Why is every idiot saying ‘price point’ now? I blame this on HGTV home shows where everything is at a ‘price…
They’ll definitely just do it while running from defense to offense and passing by the player coming in for them...like in hockey. I don’t think someone is going to be posting up, then change their mind and run to the scorer’s table.
It’s florida, just shoot them.
Everyone loves to complain about how stupid announcing is, but everytime I suggest switching the audio to dope jams (which I do by myslef), the people I’m watching the game with object because “they might miss something”. Something said by the people whose intelligence they just compared to dog poop.
I hate my friends.
Your lack of understaning of the word “average” is disconcerting.
The prices inclreasing at Oracle didn’t correlate to tech compaines existing as much as it did the Warriors becoming one of the best teams of all time.
Hey, we’re neighbors!
I don’t know what video you just watched, but they clearly let it go on all evening.
What’s the average height and hand size of an elite gamer? Are there trends?
Lol, at calling “The Good Wife” prestige TV. It’s on CBS for god’s sake.
Spend 5 minutes measuring an american’s waist line and it’ll tell you.