
Need this recipe. Can I swap with brown rice? Last time I burnt the couscous and my dad beat me with his jumper cables.

I’ve wanted to do that with my Book Club, but I think Maya may be too smart for them.

Ricky Monty liked/dated men?

Name him Easter.

I watched enough Quincy, M.E. growing up to know that every single death is a murder. Also, it’s cool to live on a houseboat.

You don’t know the area from where Jesus descended. Almost 0% chance of this mutha being melanin depleted. If he were white, he may have died earlier than 33 from skin cancer!

Dude, you are a national and natural treasure!

That would be the best 80s movie ever! One suggestion. Change the skateboarding contest to a quilting bee.

I remember reading somewhere that she doesn’t like to fly or has a fear of flying. Also, WTF is Coachella?

Alot of our fellow citizens seems to have a hard-on for authoritarians. It’s fucking weird.

She rocks that gold lame shirt harder than my gay brother would.

You should always have a towel at the ready.

Wow. So many facts!

Heroin is a bigger problem than Meth. And also Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul.

I’m legit turned on...

Can Black America have one thing to themselves without it being appropriated by Greater America? You have our jazz, our rap music, we gave you the best President of the last twenty years, and now the 40 oz. I’m done!

I gave hated this bitch since he first hosted “Inside Edition” back in the 90s. Every year they went to Spring Break and I, as a little man, would ask, Why? And now I know the answer: Bill was perving after the younger chicks. This man is a disgusting abomination of an individual!

Since that repulsive, Apricot colored cheeto uttered her name the other day, I have been hearing about her more and more! Just like Frederick Douglas! Coincidence? Yeah, probably.

What’s new? Republicans have ALWAYS been straight up ASSHOLES! Well, except for Lincoln. (I give him a pass due to his Vampire slaying).