
I need a source/proof of those booty calls to Jackie O.

Are you selling those?

I will be calling and emailing all night to have this photo removed from his Twitter. It is absolutely disgusting how he is using those poor children! I’m disgusted.

Do you have any insight on Eurovision 2017? Asking for myself and my friends!

I had no idea what that activity my opiate riddled neighbors were doing: coal rolling. It makes so much sense. Let’s waste precious resources to make liberals angry. SAD!

Does he ski?

Let’s call this bitch what he really is: A conspiracy manager!

So the Wichita Lineman is also fucked?


She was never worthy of the gold. Team Harding for life!

Americans! /s

Will this be covered?

I love that show. Bruce Willis is really one of America’s most underappreciated actors!


Coffee flask? I have never heard of this invention! Do you keep liquor in it?

I’m not reaching out to them, I am waiting for their plagues to get them: Opiods, natural disaster, or a good old fashioned heart attack!

As an Ohioan who has Mexican ancestry, NO! Give Ohio to Canada. I can practically see Canada from my terrace!

Yes! I’m a sometime writer. Maybe we should collaborate and pitch the idea.

Indian Summers was awesome!

Is it on Netflix?