It took him ONE HOUR to flip the fuck out about the Merck CEO but took 48 to give a half-assed, forced statement that Nazis are bad. Please tell me we’re just unfortunately stuck in the alternate timeline.
It took him ONE HOUR to flip the fuck out about the Merck CEO but took 48 to give a half-assed, forced statement that Nazis are bad. Please tell me we’re just unfortunately stuck in the alternate timeline.
What I thought. Actually what I thought well before he even got close to the WH. I kept thinking “Surely the people who actually control American politics won’t let him ruin their cushy gig.” and continued to be surprised by a distinct lack of removal every step of the way. My whole belief system is in tatters now.…
I did think his speech was awful light on condemnations:
I, too, hope things return to normal, hidden racism.
This man’s continued existence is proof that JFK was not killed by any government plot.
Pretty surreal hearing Sessions speak, without irony, of “Nazism, of white supremacy, of the KKK” considering his life’s work.
Senator Hatch has it right. Anything less than full condemnation of Trump’s lack of and cowardly response to the homegrown terrorists attacks is a backing for him and therefore a backing of the actions of the Nazi wannabe’s.
It’s comedy gold....
Sessions condemning white supremacists is like Shane MacGowan condemning alcoholics, or Snoop Dogg condeming pot smokers.
You sure that’s a getty image? Cause I’m pretty sure I saw that up on Barazzers the other day.
Uh WTF is with this family and sexual charged photos? Many people are saying the Trump’s believe in incest more than the Lannister’s.
What makes you think this country deserves that? Plus we don’t tend to like returning to places where we were threatened with being hung, and our wife and children called every synonym for nigger ever created, and constantly reminded that we were not equal.
Trump’s reaction to getting called out for not condemning white supremacists is to viciously attack a black man?
I did nazi that coming.
Our country is doing very well in so many ways. We have record — just absolute record employment. We have unemployment the lowest it’s been in almost 17 years. We have companies pouring into our country, Foxconn and car companies and so many others. They’re coming back to our country. We’re renegotiating trade deals…
They voted for him because they’re racist. Period.
And this...
Gorka, Miller and Bannon all work in the White House. Sessions is the AG. Look at trump’s base. Look at his response to what his nazi supporters did. Try again.
Bull shit. I will not coddle people who decided that my rights, safety, and worth as a person were less important than their trumped up concerns about “economic anxiety.” And it’s pretty telling that economic anxiety is only a crisis and only a good excuse for shitting on others when it’s white men feeling nervous…
The secret to lower taxes is NOT supply side economics or cutting social programs. The secret to lower taxes is to get a better accountant.