Hold on... can I hear more about this diesel z4!!
Hold on... can I hear more about this diesel z4!!
I really cringe when the answer to these problems is throwing more money and mandatory tech at cars. These costs only get passed down to the consumer. This is a 28 year high, no one had automatic safety anything 15 years ago! Let alone 28 years ago. Enforce the law, and hold people personally accountable, dont make…
Counterpoint: is this in any way better than an M5? It looks like it has comparable luggage space, the M5 has awd, and is WAY faster and better handling.
The old Knobbly for comparison.
I think a big consideration being missed is considerably worse fuel economy with awd than 2wd
This is the second gen PRV where they fixed a lot of the issues from the first gen, like it eating camshafts!
Eexcept for it will be delivered to your door in 2 days and no one shops Canadian Tire
Are you serious? Watch the video.
I nominate the Volvo 240 rally cluster they offered for some of their homologations!!
The only thing I was worried about coming into this is true, that V6 sucks! This thing is going to be crazy heavy, and that engine struggled to move a normal wrangler up a hill, is this thing going to be able to tow reasonably at all?
They talk about the clamshell and lack of panel gaps like it is going to make a huge difference in speed. I mean they named it the "speedtail" and it still will get beat by koenigsegg
“This isn’t just a new car. It’s the new yardstick. This is the machine by which all other automotive machines will be measured.”
Until they dont:( and your stuck riding your 40 year old motorcycle the 35 miles to work and its 30 degrees outside..... definitely not the circumstance I'm in right now, nope not at all.....
Elizabeth is not a car person and these articles read like a Porsche infograph, poorly organized and with basically zero new information. She used to only write in the weekends, can we have someone that actually cares about what they are writing?
Hey dont insult station wagons like that! That's a $100,000 crossover is all it is
Yu might want to drain your gas tank before using that again.... Gas breaks down over time and will gunk up and hurt your engine!
Im just glad that most states in the U.S. dont have noise regulations for cars older than 25 years old!
Also no lift shifting modes could be a possibility!
Is it a sequential turbo set up?
So if you save 133 gallons over 12k miles, about a years worth of driving, I’m only saving $400 a year? For $1500, less space, and added complexity, that doesn't seem worth it at all!