
I noticed the asshattery. And I've had the good fortune to see a few teens cross over the narrow bridge to adulthood. It can be wondrous to see. It can also cut your heart out.

So comforting to hear from the other hate-watchers and shark-jumpers. I finally gave up on Blacklist, too. And The Following! Sometimes having to wait a whole year between "seasons" is just too much; I can't Sustain my own curiosity. Lol

Even a sociopathic teenaged girl can be sexually abused.

The background check was in process. Employer didn't foresee any problems. Happens all the time. Same thing happens with drug tests. New employee shows up then fails a random drug test which does take a few days—not for the results but for the red tape.

Ha! True. And I've hate-watched plenty of them. I don't hate-watch this one, but it pushes the envelope sometimes.

The Wire had lots of humor. Dark and grim sometimes, but necessary. This series is totally lacking in that. I find the "realism" unrealistic regarding the total lack of humor. Anyone who's ever sat around with friends and family in the hours after a funeral knows it's not all about hand-wringing and crying. American

I loved Southland.

Same here. I'm not sure I want to re-watch but I feel I must.

I agree about the realistic depiction of the area. I found it very evocative. The only things missing were the sunburns and the leathery skin that is a Florida dermatologist's annuity.

Sometimes clergy does provide safe haven for troubled or stressed out teenagers but I doubt it's that simple here. :)

I don't think Paige betrayed her parents; they were stupid not to have a plan about how to respond to her (& Henry) when the time came. She is simply too young, imo, to be trusted with what's been heaped upon her. A lot of grown ups would implode under the same circumstances. In fact it's a big plot hole for me. IMO

Could be! She does hug the pastor a lot & seems to have no relationship with pastor's wife.

Cable was required for MTV. LOTS of people didn't have cable in 1983. But I get your point.

Sounds good to me. But I do think there's a possibility Pastor Tim is a Russian spy himself.

Stan deserves no extra consideration in my view. He was an inadequate husband and father. He supplied a paycheck, but Sandra has been on her own with the kid for most of their marriage. He loves Nina and wouldn't be nearly so hang-dog if she were in the States. Maybe he has a little guilt, but mainly I think he can't

It's not about the sex; it's about intimacy. Sandra wants someone to know everything about her. He lied when he said Elizabeth knows everything about him.

It's on Amazon. Cheaper than a movie at a theater these days. Enjoy

Thank you! I have always thought Pastor Tim looks like Phillip. I have to think that's no accident. I think his Spidey senses tell him he dodged a bullet that time Phillip came to the church. And I also agree it's entirely possible that pastor is Russian.

True. It doesn't seem like they were leaving it to chance. Or the parents.

It's been speculated but nothing to go on except his creepiness.