
I hate her too. But why in hell did Phillip and Elizabeth not have a FREAKING PLAN!? They knew the day would come the would have explaining to do, yet they seemed blindsided. SMH

Trust me. Many real church goers ARE fake.

I'm pretty sure Paige has no idea whatsoever what it is that spies do. And her parents don't know her at all. They were both gobsmacked with her religious awakening. She has always been furtive and nosy and they were clueless. You grab a teenager out of bed in the middle of the night and go on a non-vacation, expect

I never thought of keeping the secret as Paige's responsibility. I was always agog that anyone would think a teenager COULD keep the secret.

Binge watching to catch up makes all the family yelling very obvious. Man, is it tiresome. Joel is boring and predictable, but at least he doesn't yell.

Is it better when Julia refers to "a latte girl" instead of "the coffee girl". I'm mostly liking this show but this family does NOT live in the real world economically. Everyone has a very nicely furnished big house. In California, no less. Even lunkhead Crosby owned the houseboat. What, no one lives in an apartment

Ok, so I'm 3 yrs late to this party bc I'm binge watching to catch up for final season. I noticed Julia called the pregnant girl "the coffee girl." Not "Nicole, the girl who does the coffee cart" or "Tiffany, the coffee girl." Just The Coffee Girl. So telling.

True. Unless it's the locals who are after you. Lol

Lol. I always thought a goober was a peanut! I must have misunderstood. New knowledge!

I agree. And the dark side of those little towns was often local law enforcement. Still can be.

I was late to Deadwood and even then had to push myself a little to stick with it. But, once I was in, I was hooked. It was a bit ahead of it's time maybe, and ended too soon for me. Maybe you could try again just for McKinnon.

I know, but Amantha sidestepped the compliment & just said a lot of people liked her dad. I thought her reaction was a bit weird.

"Super-solemn five-year-old" is perfect. So earnest and guileless. Teddy's sleaze factor is well-played by Clayne. I'm going to have to look for an interview to assure myself he's not an asshat in real life.

Whatever grade he gives an episode, the discussion is good. Compelling, it is.

Absolutely not poking fun! I probably just don't think enough like the character and project my own feelings and opinions on them. I need to let them be themselves.

Yes, you do have good insight.

Neither one of those reasons works for me although I can see (somewhat) why they would for Tawney. I need to know how they got together because they appear not to know each other very well.

re: your last paragraph. I was thinking about this exact thing today.Confession for confession's sake is a selfish act, imo. It's usually about unburdening oneself rather than some burning sense that the other person needs/deserves to "know" what happened. Tawney is naive almost to the point of seeming dull—which I

Right. D's comment to Ted was made early on. I have to remind myself he's been on the streets a very short time. Do we know how long he was in hospital? Obviously, D will need an income although I don't think he'll be up to the social interaction required of a salesman for a long time.

True, all true. I guess because I know Daniel told Ted Sr he doesn't want to work at the store, I think Teddy should know too. Lol. Janet will undoubtedly want Daniel to benefit financially from the store whether he works there or not. Especially since he needs a job/money from somewhere. That alone would piss off