
Daniel hasn't been in the driver's seat of his life for his entire adulthood. That scene resonates in a lot of ways for me.

I can see Ted being involved in Daniel's beating even it it was subtle, like maybe egging those guys on in some conversation we don't know about. Teddy has a subversive sleaziness that makes him (to me) untrustworthy. That said, I don't find him 100% unsympathetic as a character. I'm totally wishy-washy about him.

We've had those wheel/rim rentals here for at least 10 years. I remember the first time I saw the green neon sign.

I can feel bad for Ted Jr and still believe he's a douche. I think he was probably always a douche, but Daniel is making him more overt. His own mother said as much to Tawney in the hospital. Not by calling him a douche, of course, but by saying he isn't the most "polished" person. He's playing it to the hilt. Fine

I'm on the fence about whether Teddy really thinks Daniel is guilty or if it's just all about Teddy. I hope future eps shed light on why exactly Teddy is so insecure about Daniel. Yes, I realize Teddy has been Number One Son for the entirety of his dad's marriage to Janet, but surely there's more to it than Teddy's

We just must remember the times. I'm only vet slightly older than Sally. I know from experience , unfortunately, where Rollo was going. Glad she protected herself.

No smile on Fitz's face that I could see. Agree Olitz can't work at all. Who'd watch that!? Not I. I thought Fitz kneeling to mellie's lap W&A apropos. Back to Mommy. Fitz is right about few things (IMO) but he's right that he doesn't deserve his job. He's certainly not a deep thinker except with his boy parts.

I always liked David, so I'm pleased w new arc for him. Didnt like creepy Jake at first but knowing he was doing a job makes me u-turn. Fitz is just a silly horn dog. Jake has better potential as Liv's bf, IMO. If his brain isn't mush after he gets outta da hole!

Never saw Alias, so it's all new to me although many had guessed about Liv's dad. I have lots of stray observations, questions, & peeves about little lapses which are solely IMO, of course. But right now I need to re-watch. Lol. I do like to read many reviews & recaps. Each one helps me dissect & question