
I'm with you about the lack of attention. I don't get it at all. I could take some guesses.

Excellent life decision. You will never regret it.😊

"Vampires are derivative ." Lol. Loved that.

Ouch. :)

I'm sorry for your loss. A similar thing happened in my extended family last month. It won't be easy for Betty, but she's tough.

Where's the sport coat he wore at the VFW Hall? Wadded up in the Sears bag?

I like this.

I read that and thought it sounded plausible too. Well thought-out.

I wish there were a better way to read these comments. I want to see all of them.

You can buy it. It's more likely to have happened that way than otherwise.

You could be right, of course. Seems like other fans are always way more imaginative than I am when it comes to plot details and twisty turns. I've always rather liked Glenn. He couldn't help that he had the sensibilities of an older kid. He was different and thought that's why he and Sally got on so well. I don't…

A place called Rock Hill. Do you know it?

Try Rectify. And Transparent. I still like The Americans, too. But, boy, I am going to miss Mad Men so much.

You're right! I DID forget! Cringe.

I agree! A waste of episode/s. So bad I forgot about about it.

Thanks for the laugh. This made me chuckle.

True enough, but being of that generation, I know that dying in Viet Nam was on every draftee's mind. Also, I thought Weiner was trying to make us think of the worst for Glenn in that last scene of his with Betty.

A gay friend of mine (a southerner himself) living in South Carolina finds it a most inhospitable place. Worse than Texas which says a lot.

He joined the army to fight in Viet Nam! I think you missed a scene.

Excellent link. Thanks for that. It's the little things…