
There's something inside you. It's hard to explain.

Counter-counterpoint: an appreciation of The Gonk:

I used to have an Iggy Azalea in my living room, but I went on vacation and forgot to ask someone to water it.

"As You Like It" contains one of Shakespeare's best stage directions: "Enter Hymen".

Gamera ist wirklich nett! Gamera ist aus Fleisch gemacht!

As far as I can tell from my visits to the Netherlands, there's a pretty significant difference between the Dutch and the Dutch-Americans. The cultures seem to have essentially split during the major immigration waves, when the most conservative immigrants clung to late-1800s Dutch culture and kept to themselves

They/we tend to keep to them/ourselves. There are a few enclaves scattered around the country, most notably northwest Iowa, Grand Rapids, MI, and a handful of small towns in California.

I used to work as a projectionist and could see EVERYTHING through that little window- contraband food (not a big deal), cell phone addicts, obnoxious teens, you name it. Sure, it wouldn't have affected me either way, but I'll be damned if going down there and telling people off wasn't the best part of my job.

Don't give the Simpsons writers any ideas!

Oh, most definitely. I remember getting really frustrated at one point, then realizing how impressive it was for a game to elicit that sort of complex moral angst from me.

The Pitt DLC was really unsettling in terms of moral murkiness. I mean, you're kidnapping newborn children so others can experiment on them, for Christ's sake.

You mean the old sniper in Minefield?

And the bare outlines of interesting voice acting.

Oh, z'no!

I was really hoping for Pedro Pascal as some sort of Lando-esque character, but I can get behind this.

Where do they come from, Cotton-Eyed Joe?

It can be two things!

The National did a great cover on that; I can't remember what it's called though.

I thought Ron Jeremy nailed it.

The hospital's got a big box of them to hand out in the birthing room. You didn't get yours?