
Haaaave mercyyyy.

Or just watch A Serbian Film on its own for essentially the same effect.

Dick York… Dick Sargent… Sergeant York!

Nicki's ass is really neat! Nicki's ass is made of meat!

That's an anagram for "direct to YouTube".

Jesus. Robin Williams and Lauren Bacall die, and then you headline an article with "Farewell, Macaulay Culkin"? Don't do that to me!

Don't forget the Godzilla screams.

I don't understand your account name. Blue? Blue what?

So…Kristen Schaal, then?

I misread the headline as "Starship Troopers" and now I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or relieved.

The frenemy of my frenemy is my…um…

All that is necessary for the triumph of neutral is that good and evil men do nothing.

"Bieber from a basket!"

There were other chicks in Destiny's Child?

You've got more chins than Chinatown.

Blue is for county jails. As in, "county blues". I wish I didn't know this firsthand.

Lupin, don't be shitty.

I work at Lego and get this complaint a lot. There are still several sizes of basic brick tubs, and nearly every official Lego store has a wall where you can fill a container with the specific bricks you want.

First the BttF DeLorean, now the Ecto-1. My dream is an entire "1980s Movie Vehicles" theme.

Inanimate carbon rod comes with the previously-released Simpsons house! The Lego site describes it as "a 'radioactive' bar from the nuclear power plant", but let's not kid ourselves. It's the rod.