
Freakin' space, man. I swear, I hope that off-world travel becomes somewhat commonplace and affordable during my lifetime.

Is it weird that I feel bad for Big Dog when that guy tried to kick him over or when he slips or stumbles on various things?

Error! Sony did NOT make the Rio MP3 player; that was Diamond. Speaking of which, that was the Rio 300. The one that was super fantastic is the one that I saved up my hard-earned money to buy, the Rio 500. It came with 64MB of built-in storage, and was upgradeable with SmartMedia cards to a total of 96MB, at least

Kinda looks like a cosine of the times...

Don't bother with them. I've ordered 3 of these already, and had to have all 3 of them replaced twice due to failures from shoddy craftsmanship.

I went to one of the rival high schools to the Arabs, and you know what? Nobody cares. Nobody found it offensive in the entire area. It was what it was. They were the Arabs, another school was the Rajahs, and yet another the Aztecs. I mean, seriously, it was just how it was, and how it's always been.

That's a damn shame. Plasma is definitely the superior technology currently, and to lose one of the industry drivers is not going to bode well for the picture-delivery industry. I've got a D8000 Samsung that I'm thrilled with, but I definitely will be recommending to anyone looking for a new TV to be buying a

Grizzly? It involves bears? I had no idea. It just seemed grisly to me...

I just can't help but wonder, Eric, why do you look like you're twelve? How old are you, actually? I mean, every time I see your profile pic on Gizmodo, especially when you post articles during the day, or after 10:00 PM, I think, "That boy shouldn't be out of school right now!" or, "What's he doing posting an

I am disappoint.

Kudos. +1

No, you're right. Not everyone can. But maybe someone whose livelihood depends on it could?

I'd like to see what the true specs are on the iPad 2 output of mirroring, because I'd guess that it was closer to that 1600x900 spec. If not exactly. I'm sure it can push 1080p out of it, too, if the video source is 1080p, but likely not for mirroring. I'd guess the A5 isn't powerful enough to push the full 1080p

Kudos on that thinking. I'm sure if they loaded a video up at 1920x1080 it'd push true 1080p out of its tiny little port. But if you're working with 1024x768 to start, it's going to be upscaling, resulting in artifacting and potentially (if Apple underpowered the SoC in the adapter) lag.


I find this true as well; I've had some killer ideas in the shower.

Go burn your bra somewhere else, Leslie. Wherever it is you choose, it might behoove you to make sure that it's within earshot of a Journalism 101 class. You know, where they teach you to do research and put your bias aside and always double- and triple-check your facts.

It's probably for the best, anyways. From the looks of things, @comex has bigger fish to fry.

I'm sure you could find a nice BearShare or LimeWire app to go with your Blackberry.

"Almost every Christmas, ‘Santa' got me a Duplo set."