*cough* Price gouging. *cough*
*cough* Price gouging. *cough*
Pro Tip: Don’t call it “Frisco” .
This is obviously a time-lapsed video of Benicio Del Toro playing with cards as a child. #unamused
How sensitive was it?
Then who the fuck’s gonna do my hair, smart guy? Unless ... I’m on the ship too. Oh. I see.
I have noticed a trend of writing up articles based around youtube videos. The formula always seems to go like this:
Agreed. How am I supposed to goof off at work if everything is a video. :/
Leap Second?
We will just have to make one and find out.
shouldnt this be on jezebel? ... or pinterest?
Donald Glover for spiderman!
#DonaldForSpiderman !!!!!!!
give it up, buddy. "Comprised of" is a perfectly cromulant term.
Is Gawker Media looking for anybody to intern for Drugs Kinja? I might be 30, but I definitely have previous job experience... last time being 5 minutes ago, roughly. @____@
Thanks. Saved me the effort. :)
Vitamix 750 Professional Series:
Vitamix 750 Professional Series:
God DAMNIT as if I wasn't hyped enough. Dinosaurs AND bullet time?