Everything, honestly. I feel like the new Dealzmodo is much more sparse; as well, it's much less detailed. I liked being able to skim through the list and see more information about whether something's even worth looking into further or not.
Everything, honestly. I feel like the new Dealzmodo is much more sparse; as well, it's much less detailed. I liked being able to skim through the list and see more information about whether something's even worth looking into further or not.
Google Homepage 98 out of 100 times. And I'm the resident IT for our office. And I'm technologically adept. I like the homepage, and the live-search feature.
Which shouldn't present an issue, as one-to-one service is primarily designed for Mac support. I can't imagine much request by a PC-using individual for one-to-one with their iPad or iPhone. And nobody's talked about the ability to schedule one-to-one through a non-Mac. To me, it seems this just applies to the Mac…
Flash is the buggiest piece of crap to grace the internet in years. Besides Kinja, that is. I applaud Apple for using their clout to abolish it once and for all. I can't tell you how many times I'm on my Windows 7 PC and something errors out and the root cause of it is something Adobe-related. Flash was fantastic…
Well, I just picked up a HP Folio 13, and I'm very happy with it. My only gripe is the touchpad; it's a bit stiff. Other than that, I like it alot. It's nice and refined, with some clean lines and simple designs. Pretty quality build, too. And, it's pushed about 7.5 hours battery life, to boot. Take a look at it.
I kinda dig it. It's so simplistic, yet refined. It's got that, "Hey, I could've made that in MSPaint" aesthetic, but in a good way.
Finally! I'm not feeling so weird about myself anymore. When I was little, I used to lay on my back on the carpet and change my perspective to where I felt as if I was attached to the ceiling and my world was upside down. This is how it used to look!
At this point in time, I think it's definitely carrier that's most important. You can have an LTE phone but live in the middle of nowhere (like I do), and be relegated to EDGE. Once LTE (or even Faux-G) becomes ubiquitous, phone will be massively more important than carrier.
Broken Lizard would agree. Firsty firsty.
Great article, with fewer-than-normal grammatical errors. I counted two. Kudos, Jesus - that's progress!
It's Apple. We should all know by now that they only have one shade of grey.
I simultaneously winced and laughed at the same time.
This would've been awesome, like, 2 years ago when we had crappy internet connection at my house. Altogether though, kudos, Apple. Nice feature.
Not HPV, though. That's apparently where the line is drawn. Nice to know that this administration has its priorities in order.
You sure as hell WILL stand out with this sleeve. Like, "Hey, see that guy over there? Let's mug him. He probably won't be able to fight back - just look at his laptop sleeve!"
I agree. Preparation H does feel good, on the whole.
Not what I'd expect to be seeing if someone said, "Hey, look! It's a whaletail!"
Yeah, what's the real-world battery life on these things? I mean, sure, if you're beating the crap out of the processor and running the screen at max brightness, you're going to push battery life down. Most of us don't do that, though. Any realistic times for us?
Can I be your, "Oooh, I disproved your theory" person? I've been commenting for years, and had a star. I kinda like my green mosaic. So there.
By far the best scientific explanation I've heard in awhile regarding publishing. Kudos to your integration of fleshlights into the explanation.