
I almost thought, for a second, that maybe Apple's pulling quite the switcheroo in its development scheme. Drop the 3GS, drop the 4, make 4S free on contract, and release 2 new phone models this year. Maybe what we're seeing is the lower-cost iPhone with a higher-quality, even more radically-redesigned iPhone to be

Nice, but a little boxy for my tastes. It just looks like I'd end up cutting myself with it.

You're right! Being able to distinguish individuals renting shelter from others would be quite the challenge.

I seem to remember reading an article with the creator of LiquidMetal that the process for large-scale implementation (i.e. the material making up a significant portion of a smartphone-sized device) was a "long way off" and that someone would have to invest a "significant amount of resources" to advancing the process.

Not at Moscone West, it won't. Unless Apple's planning on giving Intel the boot, they've got Moscone West locked up from 09/11 - 09/13. Maybe at their campus again?

Ah, ye of access and seasons. I live in the middle of a Southern California desert. There's not a curling club within, well, probably 2000 miles of here.

Hey, back off curling! By and large the best Winter Olympic sport that I watched in 2010. I honestly started looking into how much it would cost to have my own curling rink. Who knew it was such a damn expensive sport?!

So what you're saying is that I can stop washing my hands? Never touching anything, I'll never REALLY be dirty? Turns out Ol' Hobo Joe had it right all along!

Most everyone I work with (clientele) still has one. Granted, they're mostly on government assistance of some sort, so that's what I'd expect.

Oooh! Microwave CD! My preferred disposal method :)

"as long as there were no trapped air bubbles during their application. (Easier said than done.)"

Micro Machines? In my body?! Dude, who do I have to call to make this a reality? I'd love to have those tiny little race cars zooming through my bloodstream.

Where's the ones telling me about how great it is to be with an older woman at or something? Apparently the poster has met great older women who share similar life values.

Any idea if there's an extension/fix available for Firefox?

Hey, I just bought you

$55 for a 250GB mechanical drive? I didn't even know that they still bothered with mechanical drives that small anymore. At very least, it should be a 10k RPM drive to make it worth it.

iPhone please! I can't tell you how many times I've been blinded while I'm driving because my wife is using her phone and tilts it just wrong enough to magnify the fury of the Sun into my eye.

...and, hearted.

Something something, Futurama, something something, money...

I'd actually just love to see Apple converge their lineups just a bit and go with 4:3 iPhone with 4" screen. 1024x768, it'd be comparable ppi to the current iPhone, and would provide a much more unified experience. Then, you could essentially maintain a standard resolution across devices (i.e. iPad/iPhone), and