
"as long as there were no trapped air bubbles during their application. (Easier said than done.)"

Micro Machines? In my body?! Dude, who do I have to call to make this a reality? I'd love to have those tiny little race cars zooming through my bloodstream.

Where's the ones telling me about how great it is to be with an older woman at or something? Apparently the poster has met great older women who share similar life values.

Any idea if there's an extension/fix available for Firefox?

Hey, I just bought you

$55 for a 250GB mechanical drive? I didn't even know that they still bothered with mechanical drives that small anymore. At very least, it should be a 10k RPM drive to make it worth it.

iPhone please! I can't tell you how many times I've been blinded while I'm driving because my wife is using her phone and tilts it just wrong enough to magnify the fury of the Sun into my eye.

...and, hearted.

Something something, Futurama, something something, money...

I'd actually just love to see Apple converge their lineups just a bit and go with 4:3 iPhone with 4" screen. 1024x768, it'd be comparable ppi to the current iPhone, and would provide a much more unified experience. Then, you could essentially maintain a standard resolution across devices (i.e. iPad/iPhone), and

I say they stress-test the SDK with Jim Carrey circa the 90's. I wonder what it'd look like to see an Xbox and Kinect melt down at the same time?

That just looks wrong. USA! USA! USA!

Kudos, cjtrowbridge. Just beat me to it. IGZO, not IZGO.

Holy crap I wish I was that talented. Kudos, Alex George. Kudos.

Awesome headline in the making: "Man ruins LHC experiment by shoving hand in particle beam, is a real Higgs Bozo"

That's only true when you don't have some douche come along and shake the hell out of the cans. You ALWAYS have to turn the cans upside-down prior to purchase and listen to how much "rain" sound it makes. The less sound, the better shot you have at getting some decent chips.

I believe I'm more impressed by RIM today than anything. Honestly, I was expecting more of the same crap that we're used to from them, but was pleasantly surprised regarding the development device that they handed out, and some of the features of BB10. Are they still a long way from iOS/Android/WP? Yep. But

Shaving mirror please! All the crap fogless ones out there usually end up in the trash within a year.

I really hope it doesn't have the same effect as shows like Warehouse 13 or the like. As much as I can appreciate digital cinematography, it's definitely a turn-off for me when it has that overly-processed, sterile feel to the filming.

Not a pedestal; rather, an exercise in bureaucracy. If the government, with all its red tape, can implement something like digital signatures and have it be legally binding, then why can't private industry? THAT was what I meant by "if it's good enough for the government".