Awesome. Things like this renew my faith in humanity.
Awesome. Things like this renew my faith in humanity.
Kinda under the weather right now, and in a haze, read the article title as "Beautiful Stop-Motion Film Promoting Sushi and Sustainable Fisting". I think it actually prompted me to click through more than if I had read it as fishing.
I knew I hearted you for a reason awhile back.
Or, for that matter, you can simply travel to the geographical North Pole. I think that can cartographically count as top of the world, right?
What I don't understand is why B&N had to neuter their OS/device so harshly that they have to have a separate partition for B&N content ONLY. Sure, separate OS/content partitions is logical, but damn.
"And that temperatures in many locations around the world have been higher during the past 25 years than any other since 900 A.D."
Dude at 1:33 reminds me of Charlie Day. Is it?
I swear, every time I see one of these things, I'm constantly impressed and angered. Impressed because someone found SOMETHING ELSE low-tech to invent that's clever and useful, and angered that my brain drones bouncing around in my head didn't get there first.
When I started reading your post, I immediately thought of IRC. Damn, those were the good ol' days.
Point partially taken. However, I'd liken it more to matching the camera quality on the iPod Touch. The only reason to limit the quality of the camera on the Touch and the iPad is to keep costs down. If it means that Apple can spend that money elsewhere (i.e. battery/RAM/NAND), I'll gladly sacrifice a HQ CCD.
Why? More and more, people are replacing their tradition P&S with their cell phone camera. To be honest, you don't need much more than a reasonably-sized 8MP CCD sensor to take a more-than-suitable photo these days. So long as you have a decent lens on the thing, and some good processing software behind it, you've…
Kudos, sir. However, I believe Homer Simpson more concisely gets the point across at approximately 0:23 or so.
While I love the studies that Pew does, I REALLY have a hard time reading articles referencing them, because I can't stop imagining what their offices are like when they're having a busy day and phones are ringing off the hook. It's gotta sound like a bad sci-fi flick in there!
Big enough. If you wear appropriate, male-oriented denim, they'll have suitable pockets for carrying a reasonably-sized cell phone. Only jeans I've seen with pockets unsuitable for carrying a cell phone are hipster skinny jeans.
Looks like Zuck beat RIM at its own game with the "Be Bold" statement. RIM really can't catch a break, can it?
Soo....umm, how would I...umm, go about getting into one of those Swedish prisons? Like, for a vacation or something?
My thoughts exactly. Any idea when this is going to be rolled out corporate-wide?