
And, if you're hunting for a REALLY big underground ordnance, all you have to do is pour some water on it, and BOOM! Bigger GREMLIN for a bigger ordnance hunt!

"Most of my pants dont have big pockets..."

Nice! Kudos to viral marketing!

Seriously, Giz? You're gonna use THAT for the title of the article? And then, to end the article, state, "...things with Iran get really nasty and serious clusterfucking ensues."

Kudos to you for that assessment. I very much agree - I would've added tethering to my wife's plan months ago if they didn't require me to unload the unlimited plan. Just another example of the carriers being greedy.

Somehow, I hoped that the speed limit would be 88MPH. It would make my childhood that much more epic.

You know, I get the whole "customers want options" thing, but have you ever eaten at the Cheesecake Factory? It's a freaking nightmare. They hand you the menu, and it's like a damn magazine, with ads, 15 pages of entrees, and 3 pages of cheesecake. It's overwhelming.

Not saying it was humans, but...

I, for one, welcome our new fruity overlords.

Now playing

How dare you! Aishwarya Rai is a goddess! By comparison, Deepika Padukone is a leperous prostitute!


Source for the $3k pricing?

I hate CES. And articles like this. They create ambivalent buyer's remorse for me. Just sprung for a Samsung PN59D8000 a couple months ago, and things like this make me sad. Until I realize I got the whole package (TV, Blu-Ray, 3D Kit) for $2k shipped, and that this TV will likely run $10k, and then I get

As if it wasn't easy enough to spot the bruises already...

Fully surprised there's no "alternate technology carrier" gear in your pack. AT&T has a meltdown, or everyone in the mother is on AT&T, it's gonna be a LONG CES week for you. At least grab a Verizon or Sprint alternative. Different technology, less possibility of angry editors.

There what you did. See it I do.

Dude, if that squirrel is painting, then my dog vacuums, takes out the trash, and makes the bed. Oh wait, no. Those are things he chews on.

That's what I'm talking about!

"I ate a grape..."

Not tiny enough! It must be tinier!