
Yes, please! I had a PQI 2GB drive that was rather tiny and attached to my keychain. Unfortunately, the retracting mechanism broke, and I've missed it ever since.

I'm sorry, but I totally want to buy that pen! Like, not the ACTUAL pen from inside her stomach (even though I'm sure there's probably a fetish website for that), but the brand of pen that can survive stomach acid for 25 years and still write. Even my Fisher Space Pen couldn't do that!

I further predict she'll have a hard time choosing which page to display her nakedness on.

In a roundabout way, they already have. If any of their patents are indicative of what's coming down the pipeline, LiquidMetal was as much a battery purchase as it was a structural one (device-wise).

Thanks for providing me with a way to make one of my co-workers cry today, Giz! Now I just need to wait for her to piss me off...

Hmm. I got a black box replacement 4S about 2 weeks after launch due to battery issues. Apple must be doing low-level wipes of their Refurbs before sending them on their slightly-lower-priced merry way. Either that, or some dude (or chick) that's not me will be receiving texts from my co-workers, wife, and Things

Yeah, it's rough. I guess that's what we get for living 100 miles from anything. I guess I'm just glad we have "broadband" out here. Hopefully soon we're going to get a 10mbps upgrade. Maybe in the next 6 months. Again, it hurts my heart.

How would you like to work from the beach? How about the ski slopes? See, if you just commit to buy 100 of these things, and then get other people to sell them for you, then you can make a small percentage on each of their sales. And then if they get other people to sign up below them, you'll get a percentage of

Literally, the fastest internet offered in my town is 1.5mbps. This story hurts my heart.

And, hearted.

I like how the one says, 'EXTREME ALERT'. I wonder what their levels are:

Oh good, just in time for Christmas. I'm always running out of good stocking stuffer ideas.

Oh hey, it's a Louis Vuittondom! Nifty!

Obviously she wasn't that conservative if she was willing to bang an organic Whole Foods hippie.

Now playing

There's only one thing worth fighting for, and it's not a gadget...

What's wrong with multiple input modalities? Honestly, I'd love the option for a touchscreen on a laptop; it gives me more ways of interacting with the GUI, and allows me to choose what I feel might be most efficient.

None of this surprises me. With Apple working (supposedly) on a new display that can be marketed as a "Retina" display for the iPad 3, and with one of their big suppliers being Samsung, it's no surprise that Samsung would be working on their own version. Lawsuits and similarities aside, it would be foolish for

So wind and fire have united. Where's water and earth?

Way to out-of-context me. I'm not saying anyone should trash their TV just because Apple may or may not be coming out with their take on the TV; I'm just saying that for people who have a choice, or have held off upgrading to a TV behemoth, I'm sure many of them would, given the option, and with little else being a

I want some of whatever Eric Schmidt is on. Sounds fun.