
Must've had to flap that thing awfully hard!

I was hoping that wouldn't be the response I got. Maybe I just have too much faith in quality control and customer satisfaction importance with multinational corporations. It just irks me that this is considered acceptable. I guess because it's not a life-threatening safety issue, it's considered OK.

Can someone enlighten me?

Dwight Schrute, to the rescue!

Agreed. I'm just remembering working in the retail sales sector during the AMD/Intel years...

Yeah. I personally think it's marketing ploy that they claim your brain combines the images into a 1080p - it doesn't make logical sense that it'd work like that. I agree about AS technology, as well. Although, Samsung has made great strides with their weighting/balance on their AS glasses.

It was a pun. I was being punny.

Damn teenagers and their hippity-hop music!

You're right about movie theaters. They use a dual-lens technology that essentially offsets the image, creating the 3D effect (to the best of my knowledge). Same resolution, dual images.

Maybe for the 3D effect, yes. However, I like my video at full resolution, TYVM.


Ugh. That means that now we're going to have a rehash of the AMD/Intel battle of the 90's/early 00's.

Quite a vivid imagination they have, eh?

Can you delineate which of your tracks you want "clouded" if you have more than 25,000? If so, this'll be a good investment for me. If it's only 25,000 or less, then sad panda.

"One question though: where's the video of him knocking the tower all over and making it hail?"

For awhile, years ago, me and a buddy ran a ringtone website for Verizon/Sprint/AT&T/T-Mobile customers in the US. It was when polyphonic was essentially standard, and we provided actual, honest Top 100 Billboard hits as real music, not polyphonic. Was it a grey area? Yeah. Did we clear some cash with it? Yeah.

Fantastic job, Asus. The first real competitor to the iPad line. FINALLY a company that gets it!

Thank you, Jesus Diaz. I'm at work, and I've got such a raging clue right now.

Thank you! Finally an article summarizing what I already thought to be true. Particularly the "between the legs" one. I noticed it after I got the movie Puddle Cruiser by the Broken Lizard crew; it's only grown to be more ridiculously overdone since then.

"If I ever wake up from the Kina-induced diabetic comma."