
I'll start this by saying I'm one of those that upgraded from the 4 to the 4S and am happy I did so. Especially since AT&T kicked me a free upgrade after only 15+ months. However, I think the problem with these stats is that the iPhone 4 was hamstringed.

I thought ironic meant "made totally of iron". Damn you, Arthur!

I swear, if I had the motivation, I'd look up their official statement from last year, because I wouldn't be surprised if they just changed the number sold and "iPhone 4" to "iPhone 4S" and called it a day. It sounds almost IDENTICAL to the statement they released last year.

Not exactly. They're quoting "ships in 1 - 2 weeks" because that's the ship date, not the delivery date. True, the phone launches in a week (roughly), but it will ship long before that. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see some of us getting our tracking numbers today or tomorrow, if we're getting them direct

Red Vines. Not Twizzlers. Twizzlers do not maintain holes throughout.

Thanks for showing us the world, Princeton; in all it's shining, shimmering splendor.

3G Megan Fox. There's ABSOLUTELY no wrong way to hold that.

You Europeans, always trying to class things up.

I keep replacing "Commissioner Kelly" with "Commissioner Gordon" as I read this. It's so much more enjoyable that way.

I keep replacing "Commissioner Kelly" with "Commissioner Gordon" as I read this. It's so much more enjoyable that way.

Damn you. You beat me to it by about a minute.

Agreed. All we need now is a crusty old Australian-American dude to buy it and we can bid Facebook fucking adieu, once and for all.

It's gonna glide down, over Mulholland. It's gonna write her name in the sky.

I need Emma Stone. In my pants. Now.

In what world is that hole a "perfect circle"? If that's a perfect circle, I'm a freakin' genius.

"that was the first thing that came on my mind when i read wheatley lol" Really? A story about masturbation, and that's how you choose to phrase your post? And your name is Banana Juice?


Totally dig that Facebook "wayback". I actually remember when it looked like that. Awesome.

I don't think these guys forgot about HAM...