
Just gotta ask it, because it's blaring so bright at that a porn still?

Seriously! I'm glad someone's finally bringing that up. I HATE Mother Theresa! Seriously, what a useless bitch. "Oh, I'm just going to sit here and do nothing and say that it's non-violent protest to help people!" Yeah, tell that to my boss. You know what'll happen? I'll get FIRED!

Sounds like Obama's MO - bring a lot of flash, razzle-dazzle, and excitement, and then just a short time later, a sweeping disappointment for an extended period of time.

People like you amuse me. You amuse me because you've spent your entire life being fed the notion that just because you're a certain way, or because you had a certain upbringing, that you're destined to some "less-than" fate in life. That's the biggest thing that holds you back in life, honestly.

$1500 isn't a ton of money for a TV. How do I know? A significant percentage of people that I see on a daily basis that are on some form of government aid have AT LEAST a 46" TV in their house, sometimes larger, and sometimes multiple.

I fucking hate wireless carriers so much right now. Like, if the wireless carriers were a group of cute, cuddly puppies, I'd totally be assassinated by the media for what I'd do to those puppies. Now if I did the same thing to wireless carriers, I might get a parade. Just saying.

Seriously? Is BEING IN SPACE not captivating enough for people to ignore the damn internet for a few minutes?

I wouldn't put it past JJ Abrams, that's for sure. Brilliant, that guy is...

I can't explain why, but when I read "yoghurt", it made my eyelid twitch a bit. Yogurt and donut. Period.

The files are IN the computer!

How many years until she loses her hand and starts running a company called Massive Dynamic?

Can I offer to sell myself to Google and get even a fraction of that $2.5 billion if they decide I'm not worth buying?

Take that, Will Smith!

Why is the default photo for (nearly) every iPhone 5 story on Giz the 5 dunked in water? Are we trying to say that it'll be waterproof? Is the iPhone 5 going to make a big splash (if so, it's not well-illustrated in that photo)? Is that the proverbial smartphone gene pool? I must know!

It's missing one key modification...

I'm hoping, for Android's sake, that Motorola will now start producing phones with stock Android. Less bloat, better usability.

Dead right. People maintain standards that are subpar for critical evaluation. Wells Fargo app, 2.5 - 3. Chase app, 4 - 5.

Radical UI changes weren't what I was addressing. I was addressing the feature-set and the lack of major improvements to justify a version update instead of a point update.

You can't claim that something's a major upgrade and in the same breath state that it's not radically different. While iOS has generally stayed the same aesthetically, it has had major upgrades across all non-point releases (sometimes even at the point releases).

I knew Bill Pullman used the internet! How are you, Bill? It's been a long time since last we met.