
I never used to care about turbulence until I became a dad... even then I generally know safety isn’t a big issue; but it still makes me really think about my own mortality.

The choice of terrorists everywhere. Or have I seen Back to the Future too many times?

Not even Greg LeMond?

Count Armstrong’s. There isn’t a clean winner.

because big mig rode off into the sunset and kept his fucking mouth shut. lance couldn’t let it go so now he gets to eat shit.

Did you try looking on a Tuesday? I see a lot of specials for tacos on Tuesdays

Confederate Motorcycles??!?!?!!?!?!?! Are you fucking kidding me? I guess you could call it “Fuck you niggers the south shall rise again motorcycles” but I guess that might be a bit too on the nose, eh?

*reads first part of comment*

November 8, 2016. It was a Tuesday.

Yes, human misery on an unimaginable scale is “fascinating”.

It’s a nice, Reliant automobile.

You are talking about the stem. This is the part that inserts in the the steer tube of the fork. Yes this adjusts the angle of reach. The part they are talking about is the handlebar, which are in fact backwards.

Keep in mind that the Kremlin has also been accused of poisoning former Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko’s food with dioxide in 2004

They have a moral compass. It’s clearly pointing North by Southnorth.

Giuliani is going around the White House and putting condoms over the phone lines.

There aught to be a congressional hearing on this screw up so that the entire record of this can be seen by all. If they were willing to hot seat HC for benghazi they should at least be held accountable for this.

Is this conservative? What does that word mean anymore?

^ this person is probably 12

Dear “President” Trump,

Does it come in gold?