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    I once rear ended a Backwood with my Mazda Protégé 5. Fucked my car up really good and broke the hitch cover on the guys truck, that was the only damage. No point to this other than its my only interaction with a Lincoln Backwood.

    I have a soft spot for these and the big Genesis cars. I will own a K900 someday. 

    Minivan. No question. I’ve had a lot of vehicles and a few that I’ve really loved. But with an 1.5yo and a 3mo old baby we bought a new Kia Carnival. I wanted a van way before having kids but never felt like I could get one. Now that I have one, there is no going back. Does everything I'd use a truck for except for

    Not sure if it’s the same as the poster above but these seem nice and get good reviews around the various forums

    Just saw it back in stock again today. Thanks for the heads up. 

    Just saw it back in stock again today. Thanks for the heads up. 

    Snooze you lose on this one. I saw it when I got to work in the parking lot, came up to my office and went to order it and it was sold out already.  

    Snooze you lose on this one. I saw it when I got to work in the parking lot, came up to my office and went to order

    Tiger actually did get a favorable bounce off of this dude. He had a really good lie right at the edge of tall fescue and completely misplayed the next shot. /golf pedant

    Tripod code seems to be expired. 

    Tripod code seems to be expired. 

    Back in the early-mid 2000s 14 year old me would buy Excellence and 911 & Porsche World and look at the classified and the all sub 20k 911 SCs, I seem to recall the RHD UK cars being especially “affordable”. Even as late as 2010 or so they didn’t seem that out of reach. I wish I would have had the foresight and the

    I just sold my 91 Volvo 240 to buy a washer and dryer. 

    I looked hard for a decent one when I was in the market for a car. There aren’t that many around and the ones I could find were pretty clapped out or way over priced for the condition. If I ever come across a good one I’d be very tempted. 

    Do it.

    They are starting to show up in the KCK/JOCO too. Specifically at 95th and I-35. Confused the fuck out of me at first but once I got used to it its pretty nice.

    Looks like an Acura Legend

    I had this issue after I hardwired my 240 (91) . My issue was not realizing that power is shared between right and left reverse lights. Everything else has a dedicated power wire.

    I had been dating my girlfriend (now wife) for a couple of months and we decided to drive up to Omaha so I could meet her parents. We also decided to take route 75 rather that I29 partly because we had some time to kill and there is a small town that a few of my HS teachers were from and I wanted to see it.

    I have a 2012 Legacy and run it to about 500 miles per tank also. I can only remember putting >17.5 gallons in one time. I have driven 35mi with the distance to empty estimate reading “- - -” and still only put 17 gallons in.

    I came here to say this. This truck is perfect for Horse People.

    I voted NP, but I just picked up a 1991 240 base model sedan in decent condition for 800 bucks. I could do a lot of work to it with the left over 3700.

    I enjoy that they hoisted a Miller Trailblazer in the bed along with an oxy acetylene torch.