
I dont want to get too judgemental but maybe mom should have been an adult and not named their kid Abcde. Theres lots of idiocy out there, people should avoid it is what Im saying.

Bitch.... Michelle O accomplished more in her life BEFORE she became first lady than you and your whole tornado bait trailer trash family have ever even read about. Double Ivy League Graduate. Lawyer. Hospital Administrator. Mother. Go getter. Accomplisher of many things, not the least of which is to be married to a

I don’t know if you’ll still have time by the time you see this response, but I just ordered one now, and it was $29.99 for a new one, sold/shipped from Amazon.

I don’t know if you’ll still have time by the time you see this response, but I just ordered one now, and it was

Cool, but like, you want to buy a battery pack or something? 

Cool, but like, you want to buy a battery pack or something? 

I say that Americans ought to completely boycott Turkey in return.  Ham for Thanksgiving!!


Goddamnit, somebody fix the GPS on that TU-95. Fucker’s been off course since the 1960s.

Split the difference, adopt the Penix as a mascot:

Look, I found the moron. Get fucked, trumper.


I don’t think finding joy in the imagined death of a horrible, racist, sexist, genuinely mean person who goes out of his way to hurt other people’s lives, makes me an asshole. But if it does... I’m ok with being that type of asshole.

The F450s are probably towing 12,000lb trailers full of race horses.

Seriously? Kneeling during the national anthem is a “petulent brand of SJW” in your mind?

Not to make light of a nasty situation,

I think I spotted the Jews who will replace these useless ones

Sorry, for that kind of money I am not buying some ‘roided out SUV that Guy Fieri probably already owns in yellow.

I will never use any other kind. Rain-X fluid + polarized or amber glasses = perfect rainy day visibility. Yes, I wear my sunglasses in the rain. Try it sometime.

No, they are still pretty pedestrian but they charge exorbitant amounts of money for them.

How about Ginger Girls?