
Given Jeep and FCA’s track record on reliability, she’ll hate driving even more with the Compass.

$25k is about the going rate for a fully refurbished Daimler Ferret, with drivers closer to $10k.

How many times do I have to say it? BMW turn signals work fine and get used all the time, they just flash in colors that the peasants can’t perceive.

Neutral: Did you buy a car in February? What did you get?

Seems obligatory.

And while we are at it, just what the hell was wrong with the stalk on the column on an automatic? If you are not going to shift gears you don’t need a dumb console (especially in a pickup truck!!!) 

Well... we could not spend $100 Million 10 years ago to maintain it, but we can sure spend $68 BILLION on a high speed rail system very few will ever use.

Keep engineering cars to combat stupid, you’re just engineering the next level of stupid.

Took me quite a long time to realize that the gas gauge has an arrow indicating which side the filler is on.

Correction: Image shows service attendant refilling blinker fluid- completely non-combustible.

There are people who would love a phone like this, with no GPS capability and need only the barebone basics to communicate, as well as being a great device to serve as a burner phone.

Challenge Accepted.

hey hey hey it’s time to make some craaaaazy money are you ready?

I was screaming in my mind, “DID SEGA SCREW UP CRAZY TAXI AGAIN?”

That’s not Crazy Taxi

What the Jeep dealer giveth, the sands of time taketh away.....and then promptly deposit in David Tracy’s driveway.

The changes are effective April 1.

Fairly obvious at this point that it’s a rushed launch. Personally don’t see much point in getting it at launch, but as a Nintendo fan I see myself getting one eventually. Virtual console isn’t a *huge* deal to have right away, but it would have helped the somewhat weak launch lineup.

Not tested. As usual, poor people can go fuck themselves.