
Where I used to live, they would do this for urban infill too...So you get “taxed” twice and have to deal with 2 levels of regulations in the same spot....

You can drive parts of the course at any time during the rest of the year at Belle Isle at low speed of course. The rumble strips last time I was there were still there well before and well after the race.

Xb is jalop because American Kei Van (almost).

I’m OK with truck nuts if they are driven by someone who has/had testicular cancer or knew someone who did and merely wants or needs to support them.

Many municipalities require them in addition to almost every developer (making them mandatory so they can have some control after the sale) absolve them from maintaining things like the roads/infrastructure in a subdivision (double taxation) but still charge property taxes.

You’d think twice waiting in the MN winter for the bus.

Some of the ones that are studless do just as well as the ones that are studded...

AWD still needs snow tires if you want to stop in a safe and timely manner (as an added note neighboring North Dakota doesn’t salt the roads)!

Jim Lahey approves letting the liquor do the thinking.

Already went last weekend. Camped for $0.00. No tourists, no one at all. It was glorious.

Calmly driving using proper blinker use and switching to an open lane (out of 3 lanes) to get around platoons of stopped vehicles in a set of green traffic lights (no pedestrians) that are timed is not reckless driving.

I agree with one exception. I’ll excuse the weaving if he/she is driving safely (not a high differential of speed...or merely driving the limit when everyone is being leisurely) and uses his or her blinker for every lane change.

My car has no DRLs...when it gets dark...the headlights turn on automatically. When the sun rises, the lights turn off.

I bought a used hybrid...but it had 60000 miles left on the warranty.

I would like some of these relaxed for small niche manufactures or for rebuilds/replicas. It would be cool for some manufactures to do limited production runs of old favorites only updated a little bit for safety. Who wouldn’t want an old muscle car that wouldn’t kill you if you wrapped it around a telephone pole?

Sand only has a limited effectiveness (my locale sands the roads)...but what are you gonna do when the high is -1 and the low is -20? There was a day where the high was -20 in december.

I think the Canadians would actually do that possibly as a joint task force...have both American and Canadian forces on the same breaker (I’d let Canada take the lead on the ship). It would open up their few possible ports too.

It regens less...applies some friction braking and turns on ABS. Slipping done...back to full regen depending on pressure on the pedal.

The regen in my hybrid is a godsend on icy roads. It has prevented at least one crash for me when i hit a hidden spot of ice at 25 mph near an intersection and has prevented countless possible near misses even when going slow (I live in a place where roads are plowed to a layer of hard pack/ice and that’s it).

That’s the point.