Never let facts get in the way of a good outrage article.
Jesus Christ! Don’t get me started on all the stupid shit I said and did at 19! Some of it may even be spun as being racist when it was actually just utter ignorance and lack of thought. I think people forget how fucking hard of a transition time those last few years of being a teen are. Apparently, you’re capable of…
She shouldn’t have to respond to this. It’s very likely she had zero awareness of the organization’s racist past when this happened (twenty goddamn years ago); she shouldn’t have to apologize for something she had no knowledge of.
It’s just the latest twitter freak out about how racist the country’s history is—as the article states, the weirdest thing about it is it’s always been out there, so who knows why today is the day people are freaking out? Twitter is in ‘one of it’s moods’ it seems. As far as Ms Kemper goes, there’s certainly nothing…
I’m really confused here as if the parents wealth was never a secret, what is a real revelation here? That Kemper won a creepy sounding pageant when she was pretty young? Also yeah, she was 19 then, but apparently grew up in a sheltered environment and might not have been able to make certain connections about things…
The Atlantic reported in 2014 that the Veiled Prophet Organization barred Black and Jewish people from joining.
or....perhaps white people who TRIED to be allies got tired of your Black-centric, you-are-what-you-would-be-in-prison, gangster bullshit?
“Excuse my naiveté, but I thought we had all agreed the answer was maybe yes years ago.”
“This isn’t a heartwarming tale, this is a damning indictment”
I wage war on wasps/hornets/yellow jackets, I will not share my space with them. Cicadas aren’t even close to being on my hit list when they pop up, most insects are only in danger if they get inside, otherwise I really try to let bugs do their thing. Some additional bugs have kill on sight bounties inside my house(sco…
What the hell is wrong with you? To wage war on such a benign insect is just ridiculous. It’s once every 17 years FFS. Enjoy the wonder of what is a harmless emergence of an insect vital to the food chain!
Another Pulitzer Prize winning post!
Good grief, how many Western PA-ers do we have here? Or should I say, How many of yinz guys from the Pittsburgh area n'at?
@avclub-b6b3ea735476a560a537ee2ff31cf6a5:disqus It's as bad as he makes it sound. Pittsburgh has some of the worst traffic in the country due to the crazy topography and Monroeville is hell on earth.
For Valentine's Day last year I was looking for a computer game for my wife. I went to one of the Gamestops in Robinson Twp and they said "Sorry, we don't have it but they've got it at the Monroeville Mall." Short story shorter, wifey did not get The Settlers 6 for Valentine's Day 2011. I'm a loving, devoted…
I live in Evans City and have been to the Monroeville Mall a few times, the Pittsburgh ComiCon used to be (is it still?) held across the street, and from what I understand, the mall is nothing like what it was in the movie anymore. Cemeteries aren't as big with keeping up with the times. Heh!
I don't believe the Monroeville Mall is in danger of demolition. In fact, they're about to start building a movie theatre.
I've spent a lot of time in there recently to beat the heat.
I work in Monroeville and go to the mall once in a while. There is a zombie museum of some sorts inside, but the place is pretty much half empty. I wouldn't be shocked if I was attacked by an actual zombie in there sometimes.
Fun Facts from a Local Yokel: