
The COVID comment, as many have pointed out but bears repeating, is especially flagrant considering Disney’s pandemic behavior, what with lobbying to open parks and what not despite the pandemic.

yeah, they were 8 years old and bought a fuck ton of merch that kept the show relevant on and off for the last 30 years. you think that Visionaries getting canned had nothing to do with children?

netflix: “here’s a bunch of money, do you want to do this show?”

pander to the lowest common denominator and ignore the fans that originally made a franchise a success?

See also: Bellyaching over that Ghostbusters movie with (gasp) women in it.

i can’t find the clip about orko but it was from his fatman podcast about the reaction to the show. it’s like three hours long, i’m not digging through that for a 30 second sound bite.

I love how every time a studio fucks up a movie/show/franchise and gets a negative reaction from the fan base it’s “review bombing” and “angry nerds” and “misogyny” etc. Smith flat out said that it was a He-Man show about He-Man, and it was made for the OG fans. This is of course the same guy that said in the past

Is this where people bitch about people bitching far more than people actually bitching?  Sorry, wait, is this the place where valid criticisms are ignored because ‘manbabies’ is the only way woke assholes can avoid uncomfortable truths?

The music, animation and voice acting are all top notch no doubt, I only watched three episodes though and had to bow out.

Pretty sure that’s actually a popular opinion, given the reception of that movie. (I will say that the actors aren’t bad, but as you said they’re basically being fed lines)

Unpopular opinion: Harley Quinn and BoP was a terrible movie and a poorly done character topped off with a bad actress.

Its worse than Suicide squad 1. If you watch suicide squad like everyone is being fed their lines, you can’t unsee the bad acting. BoP is worse than that.

My point was Apollo is pastiche of Superman, not that the powers were redundant. 

I wish I’d had the idea to trace 3d models from DAZ3D when I started doing it as a hobby 10 years ago, I could have been Mikel Janin.

It has the same meaning, but not the same root. “Babble” comes from Babel, as in the Tower of Babel and the Biblical story that goes with it. The Greeks weren’t using Hebrew expressions back in the day.

LOL!! That’s a false narrative.  D&D was already inclusive.  Nothing about D&D prevented ANYONE from playing. 

The barbarian is also a pretty racist concept if you think about it. It basically goes back to the ancient Greeks going, “Look at how uncouth foreigners are, and don’t they sound funny?”

Don’t really care what you think about my posting history.  Why won’t you talk about the content of my post?

I agree, I’m about done with all this woke crap filtering into a fantasy style role-playing game that has absolutely no bearing on real life. And they can shove that combat wheel chair where the sun don’t shine, too.

So, do people actually think that the drow were some proxy for black people? (honest question) If not and this is just about the mere act of stereotyping fictional entities as bad or evil, then where is the outrage over devils and demons? What about dragons? They come in all sorts of colors and some of those colors

This is California, so he will do 6 months for the burglary, suspended license for the reckless driving, and 7 years for illegally driving in the ev/carpool lane.