
What about dragons? They come in all sorts of colors and some of those colors are deemed “evil””

Now playing

was that the LOGANS RUN opening score at 10 seconds in, or was it just me?

Desperate people dispatch a young woman with a mysterious past to seek out warriors from neighboring planets to help them make a stand”

I always hear people complaining about this, but if the aliens are already hacking our satellites, wouldnt that mean they have some kind of compatible technology / coding? 

he always did in the original show.

Cannon go boom.

check out this guy thinking they are going to make sequels to this

I was hoping they would get a third Independence Day so they could go all ROBOTECH minus the transforming jets

Hmm. My Girlfriend was getting threatening emails from someone using “Buddy Repperton” as their username a while ago. Wonder if his stupid ass will start up again when this comes out.


Oh wait, this is The AV Club. I thought this was The Root...

“Wet-Fire” sounds a lot like the results of my last trip to the Golden Corral.

Ugh Primanti’s is so overrated. Next time you’re here go to Peppi’s and get a #7 AKA “The Rothlisburger”

Also local Yokel. Can confirm.