
took you long enough! or were you thinking of a way to knock it and promote the 360 luke? hows M$ payroll treating kotaku?

im not paying a subscription fee for 1 game, and the only people i know that play WoW are Dbags.

ill wait for the next one, i dont care what you say or think i think this game looks dumb, thats my opinion, and no one can change it.

what? are you shitting me? i have a 40gb, sony takes 10gb for god knows what, im putting my 8gb of music on there, and that will leave me with 10gb, and MGS4 is never getting uninstalled, and i have no cash for a new HDD, so dont even bring that up, and how is MS letting soul caliber of all games be the first to need

you cant do most that shit on the 360, with 2.4 the xmb will look a hell of a lot beter than the 360 blade, there you go again with you x360 bullshit bias kotaku.

god damn it!! i bought a fucking ps2 just to play the metal gear series cause my 40gb coundnt, and now it will? son of a bitch...

that M82 Barrett mor than makes up for it, and snake has a snake, why would he be such a womanizing bastard if he didnt?

im gonna need a bigger hard drive.

MGS4 couldnt run on a 360 ever, unless it magically grew 5 more possessing cores, a BD drive, and the ability the install games on the HDD.

get SCII out the door before announcing new crap!

i dont really give a flying fuck about diablo III but i have a few friends that do, no on to that free stuff...

who cares about these unfunny nerds? seriously they are like the amy winehouse of the gaming world, no one cares.

i love MGS just as much as the next cardboard box aficionado, but the play to watch ratio was very tilted towards watch IMO MGS3 had the perfect balance of play to watch, but MGS4's gameplay makes it king of the franchise. It's not over yet Snake!!!!!!