i think sega is circling the drain, i was at the gameworks in vegas yesterday and it was the most run down POS ever, i got out of a turret game and it broke as soon as i got out.
i think sega is circling the drain, i was at the gameworks in vegas yesterday and it was the most run down POS ever, i got out of a turret game and it broke as soon as i got out.
i tried playing MGS:PO today and i just couldnt do it, it plays like crap compared to MGS4 i hardly touch my DS and the psp just sits in my backpack...
PS3 for sure, MGS4 is my game of the summer.
I have always wanted a good pacific WWII game, and with the cod4 engine how can they screw up? and is there a Ps3 version or did MS pay to have their logos all over it?
I did not find the B&Bs to be attractive at all, especially when i have a m60 pouring 300 rounds into them.
Koijma is such a crazy bastard, he just doesnt give a fuck, thats what i love about the MGS. so how do you get the camera?
Best game i have ever had the privilege of playing, I salute you Solid Snake!!
Alot of people are missing this phenomenal game because no one has a PS3, its the greatest game ive ever played! what other game has a Deagle that knocks people over?
omg, that is disgusting.
if he gets shot 9 times and dies i will play this
i wish i waited for the MGS4 bundle, but whatev, im cool with my 40gb and slim ps2
so im an asshat?
I couldn't be more stoked for a game, it really going to be hard to put this down next week to study for finals...
platforms? release date?
1080i is a big issue because some HDTVs cant take 720p, this is a issue with the ps3 that most of you and the press have forgotten about.
ooooh, i smell a PS3 version
hows the PS3 version? or is there only 1 system in kotakuland?
60 hrs? if you think thats alot, you sir are a punk, i played that epic game, and shivering isles for 315 hrs. but that game has no replay abilty at all for me.