
God, Splinter was such a fucking cesspit of edgy hot takes. I know Spanfeller killed it off in bad faith, but I’m definitely happy it’s gone. By the end it was essentially just parroting Russian disinformation to suppress the vote. 

I laughed very hard the first time that 30 Rock introduced their S&P character - named Gaylord Felcher.

Every time Leibert posts about the tragedy of Britney Griner and how the Biden administration isn’t doing enough to save her, I have to fight the urge to flood the comments with image of the bodies lining the streets in Ukraine. The ethnocentrism at play here is borderline sociopathic.

That’s the problem I have with Jez lately. They pretend to care, but really this is just a game to them. It’s reality TV. That’s why they’ll have six articles about the Kardashians followed by an article about how funny they think in-fighting among the Supreme Court is, as if it’s a good thing that 1/3 of the governmen

Would anybody be interested in starting a GoFundMe to pay for Jezebel writers to take a basic civics course? It can be at a community college, we don’t have to break the bank on it.

You guessed it -

I think Jezebel misses Trump. 

I feel like it’s notable that the Obi-Wan show is the first time they’re really going all in on even recognizing the existence of the prequel movies. Mando referenced the animated shows plenty and Rogue One had a couple very small time role reprisals from Bail Organa and Mon Mothma, but otherwise Disney has

So basically just...


whoops triple post

The linked article is making quite a few broad statements about Gen Z and Millennials with absolutely nothing to back it up. Not so much as a “studies show” sprinkled in there.

It’s a Crossfit move called a “kipping pull up”. Like all of Crossfit, it is as ineffective as it is stupid to look at

Can you please stop quoting Ernest Owens? I get enough of his poorly thought out hot takes in Philly Mag. 

Recently, I opened Star Wars Squadrons for the first time in months on my Xbox. A message popped up saying that I had to re-login to my EA account because it had been so long.

I’m happy that Jez has finally released an article about the Ukrainian conflict that isn’t completely focused on how it affects American women that are no where near the battle.

None of those words are in the Bible

Keep it in the foil it comes in and unwrap it as you eat like a banana. Amateur hour.

Not to mention that’s fucking weird to put Griner on a pedestal like that. “Brittney Griner is the best of us.” - she is a basketball player, not some legendary activist. They literally do not know this person.