
That’s actually an error on my part - I glanced at Wikipedia really quick to check the actual number and saw 50,000 casualties (deaths + injuries) and used that without thinking. Definitely my fault.

A career criminal was finally brought to justice after a tip from a local businessman, and a war veteran was reunited with his long lost son :)

I’ve been blown away by Jezebel’s insistence on viewing this conflict exclusively through the lens of “how does this affect American women?”

The Troubles were certainly awful, but I don’t think it’s fair to compare the two - they resulted in about 50,000 deaths over 30 odd years. There’s been tens of thousands of deaths in Ukraine in just two weeks. It’s an entirely different scale of conflict. 

Another day, another piece of anti-Irish propaganda from Gizmodo. And right before St. Patrick’s day, too. Do better.

I don’t necessarily disagree with any of your points, but I feel like I should correct you calling Pujols a kid - a quick google search of the case shows that he’s actually 27 - he is very much an adult man.

That one is really on the writers though, it felt pretty ambiguous in the text. 

An intriguing fact about her - if she is successfully voted in by the senate, Justice Brown would be the first SC justice with a criminal DEFENSE background to ascend to the court since Thurgood Marshall in 1967.


This is the largest military conflict in the world since 1945, and it has been cheered on by the American right wing. The American right is essentially a propaganda arm of the Russian government at this point, with many of the American politicians that get regular coverage on Jezebel openly rooting for Putin to

Are you under the impression that there are no women in Ukraine? 

It took months and this is how Jezebel finally even pays lip service to this crisis? Absolutely embarrassing.

I know that it’s unlikely that any of the current writers would have written anything especially informed, but I agree that it has been shocking how quiet they all have been about this conflict. Gizmodo and Jalopnik have been covering it better than fucking Jezebel, a blog that claims to cover politics. 

It’s amazing to me that Gizmodo, a tech blog, is doing a better job of covering this impending war than self described political blog “with teeth”, Jezebel. Which apparently thinks that is more important to discuss if Jake Gyllenhal has listened to Red.

*All Along the Watchtower intensifies*

He is easily one of the greatest guitarists around. His music that really blew up was pretty milquetoast, but if you watch his live performances - the man fucking shreds.

Like people telling a woman from Queens that she’s not allowed to talk like somebody from Queens because she’s Asian

I definitely consider myself liberal/left, but I often find myself pretty disgusted by how much discourse on the left sounds oddly like it’s promoting separation of the races. 

Put Bowser in the Suicide Squad, you cowards.

My only real complaint about MP is that you don’t have the grappleshot equipped by default. That thing made the campaign wildly fun, I’d love to see a slayer match where everyone is flying around like Spider-man.