
No, those are actually his kids, blow up the picture and look at their features. Many bi-racial children can pass for white.

It’s getting kind of ridiculous.

Complain about not enough roles for people of color. Complain when people of color get roles. Ok.

Hopefully by odd piercings they don’t mean bullet holes :/

I wouldn’t wish going to Westeros on anyone...

Considering dreads are historically found in almost every race, a white person having dreads is not cultural appropriation. Dreads were common in Germanic tribes including the Vikings, and the Spartans were known for wearing dreadlocks to add to their indimidation factor. The oldest recorded case of humans wearing

Haven’t really kept up with gears of war since 3, whats the story line now? I thought they defeated everything. Is Fenix dead? How long after 3 does 4 take place?

I could never get into eve but these kind of happenings are amazing. Can’t wait for Star Citizen to come out. It probably won’t have battles this big but I can’t wait to see how big org wars will turn out.

Thats a fucking good one

Are we really at the point of moralizing cuisine based on a current trend in ethical thinking in reference to historical events?

I know right? How tired peoples hands must be from clutching at all their pearls.

I’ve got 3 for 3 son, i can do this all day.

I’ve got 3 times more style


Oh I fucking bought that shit again when I bought it on steam recently. Still the same price, still worth it lol

Morrowind III? That makes me cringe dude.

Oblivion was truly a great game. I personally prefer skyrim, but oblivion had some of the most magical moments for me personally as a gamer. I was 20 and living with my parents while going to college, and where they lived at the time had hurricane shutters so I could put my room into pitch blackness even during the