
It’s weird how people miss the point. This is what descendants look like. Almost all human populations would have looked almost exactly like this 10,000 years ago, and for the preceding 290,000 years before that. Middle Eastern farmers brought “light skin” into Europe while at the same time, these people got lighter

Amen. Give me a Battlefront-esque FPS where one faction are an Imperium faction, with Space Marines few and far between (the rest being Guardsmen/Sisters of Battle) and the other are the Chaos or Xenos eqvuialent.

TPM has Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon use a burst of Jedi super speed to escape the droidekas. A power they never use again. They could probably have really used it to get through the energy barriers for the final fight with Maul. Think the force push was also first seen in this movie

I think you mean balance in the Force...

Skyrim and Fallout 4 are my go-to survival type simulators at this point. Mods like Frostfall, Campfire and iNeed make Skyrim pretty good with added disease management, food,drink, sleep, etc. along with preventing freezing to death.

Well given a 4K tv is now the same price as a mid range 1080p TV and 1080p are being pushed out of the market slowly but surely a lot of people will care fairly soon. Also HDR is an important thing too so there’s that. This is called future proofing. People don’t NEED to buy this to enjoy the product but they have the


Did you just compare a person who’s only “sin” was that she was born in Israel a Jewish person no less and is proud of her country to an avowedly racist and open Neo-Nazi? Because that is bloody low dude.

If a significant number of people aren’t grasping the writer’s message, maybe the fault is with the writer.

People’s reaction to Andromeda really makes me upset.

Jesus. Relax. Legos is used often enough now that it’s entered the lexicon and using it in a piece is perfectly acceptable.

Abnet deserves more credit for this franchise’s success. Glad to see this book is bringing it.

... Isn’t this basically a segregated school?

When you’re over 30, 17 is indeed young.

Sociopaths sleep great at night.