
Guys name is Jack Antonoff?? Really?? Like not even made up to troll people?? +1 to his parents. Also I seriously read the headline as Jack Off is laughable exercise.

Counterpoint: No.

Yeah but they were even worse...

Fucking right on. I got weird sea creature/bug under a log vibe from their braids.

Well shit I don’t even remember that, I’m just remarking that kids these days don’t know the struggle of having two different operating systems for doing different things.

How many Kotaku readers actually know what DOS is without googling it??

Maybe you should lighten up?

Funny, race being a social construct, both whites and south Asians are considered Caucasians along with Semites, Persians and actual Caucasians.

I don’t really follow comics, so definitely not rhetorical. Thanks for the insight!

Wait... why does batman have a robot t-rex?

I think he’s just mad his dad has dibs on his sister.

You know, just like what decides the medium of entertainment data, from VHS, to DVD to Blu-Ray, the porn industry is whats going to make VR. Motion control was a gimmick, but VR won’t be because of the porn industry (also the video game industry)

Berber ancestry would mostly show up as North African/Middle Eastern in DNA testing, because as with all North African populations, they are not black Africans. The spread of Islam didn’t change this, throughout history most conquerors actually have very little genetic impact on a population. Cultures can become

They lied. Seriously though they do this all the time, they probably figured a biracial child might get put with a family more easily if they said they were “Portuguese” (which I don’t get because Portuguese people just look like regular white people or other Mediterranean people) or something like that. Another

Palestine/Palestinians didn’t exist back then, it was the Roman province of Judea. They renamed it after a Jewish revolt to further piss off the Jews.

The US didn’t lose the war because we got our ass kicked, we lost the war because we as a society, gave up and said “fuck it, i’m going home”

I’m really looking forward to/dreading the VR experience with games like star citizen. I can imagine getting serious motion sickness from pulling certain maneuvers or having other shit happen to me.

Just wait for Star Citizen.

Well, at least he didn’t get SWATed.