
“An ethical breach” is semantically almost meaningless; there is no agreed-upon ethical code governing shitty NFL reporters, and even if there were, a violation of this mythical code would carry no consequences. You can say it was unethical; I can say it was ethical; no one can conclusively decide who is right. There

Agreed on all points

What is wrong about that response? They are, indeed, protected by the First Amendment. Unfortunately, this case was filed in Florida, so...who knows.

1/2 expected to hear: “Oh, Lawd Jesus, it’s a fire!”

Is Peter Thiel financially backing this lawsuit? If so, ESPN is fucked

Price was kinda hot tho. Meh.

And a secret basement Bluebeard room filled with dead blonds that failed to measure up?

Not only married, had just remarried his second wife after divorcing her a year earlier (they just got redivorced again last year).

Is it just me or does he look either pupil-less or snake-eyed in this photo?


Well, you can perhaps see how the rich and powerful would never grow out of that phase—they’re living Ayn Rand’s wet dream by virtue of being rich and powerful, thus making them some super special snowflake better than the rest of us.

Questionable taste in authors aside, apparently Amber’s type is “middle-aged rich dudes who are astounded by her literacy”.

To his own mind Musk is some kind of modern-day Leonardo Da Vinci but in reality he’s fucking crazy as a loon. And rather sinister-looking. He reminds me of the villain in Casino Royale.

I remember reading somewhere how Johnny Depp was so impressed with her because of her deep knowledge of old, unknown blues players. Most unusual indeed...

He was married to Talulah Riley until recently though, wasn't he?

It has ruined my morning to discover Elon finds someone’s adoration of Ayn to be “hawt”.

And I bet you never end it with.... “most unusual!”. WHO TALKS LIKE THAT? THIS IS NOT 19TH CENTURY ENGLAND.

Yeah, I never thought of it that way, but you’re right. I mean her eyes suggest there’s something solid back there, just that she keeps it hidden. I’m not sure if anyone sees the real Amber Heard that much, like she worries what will happen if people see the actual Amber. That’s unfortunate for her, I think.

“A hot woman who reads books ... most unusual.”

He really is a second-rate Bond villain come to life.