
Damn that’s old school. My mother has the entire box set of “The Night Stalker” in VHS format though my parents no longer have a VCR. (She can’t part with it because she LOVED Darren McGavin.)

I thought it was just me; I’ve tried and TRIED with Gotham, but I always end up frustrated. Even when I psyche myself up to watch it, I still fall asleep. I find none of the characters compelling and the art direction “off.” (The lighting for every scene looks like a 90's rave warehouse, but not as I hoped it would

“Doll House” was such an interesting social commentary. My favorite scene? A cut away/Man on the street interview when they ask some huge “red neck” guy what he’d be willing to try if no one knew about it, and he goes on and on about wanting to be with another man while his female partner looks on in utter shock and

I guess I’m totally out of the loop because I had a “Harpo who ‘dis woman?” feeling about almost everyone there...Plus I didn’t watch and only clicked on this link as I readied myself for a cobb salad and ice tea. (Damn I’m old!)

Therapy? He needs an intensive 120 Day Inpatient Program in the Berkshires...

But what does Ron Mexico have to say about this development?

YES!!!! Say it again for the cheap seats!

THIS!!!! Add a little self-hatred and desire to destroy ones’ self and I think we’ve got the cocktail.

I walk on pine needles all the time; It doesn’t hurt me either. Matter of fact, here’s how great my feet look after a mani/pedi...

“He attempted seven times to apply flame to fuse, to ignite a stick that would send a stream of colors rocketing into the night, but the wind kept blowing out his lighter. He remembers thinking, Let me try one more time. . .

Thanks for clarifying; So was this an ethical breach for newsworthy because he’s a public figure?

It was an invasion of privacy and a violation of HIPAA.

(Or found out he was and made sure to study-up in anticipation of meeting him...I know someone like that and I can’t determine if they’re really smart or deeply evil.)

As someone above said Bond Villains (though I’m going with Vincent Price-inspired LA Villains with houses in the Bird Streets and live-in second-rate sushi chefs who invite you over and expect you to get naked in the first 20 minutes...Okay, now I’ve said too much.)

Yes! I read it that way too! (Like on date two he would ask for a blood sample to check for genetic diseases and then walk her to a closet with pre-made-to-measure pastel clothes that she’d have to wear when seeing him in the future...)

That’s the point! You just don’t like her humor. You don’t care about attacking her personhood (her looks and the not-so-veiled comments about gender in relation to race.) Her humor is not your cup of tea and I think that gets lost. It’s okay to dislike someone or their medium just because you do. I disliked Ryan

So, I read this online and found it fascinating. I have mixed feelings on the Oprah reference and what I feel was a bit of victim blaming, but it was interesting none the less and gave a perspective on why the few (two friends and a co-worker) Black folks I’ve talked to about this have responded with eye rolls and

What a loss; She was such an interesting personality and this article really encompasses who she was (down to the love of chocolate and well crafted tea.) I love and thus miss ladies of that generation who understood living well was about making quiet time for one’s self and reflection:

Only in Philadelphia could he be criticized for being “overly PC.”

I wouldn’t say you’re internalizing, but there’s a feeling of “um” when one sees white people laughing so hard at her eye contortions and bugging...Overall, I don’t want to judge her, and I have nothing personal against her (and realize they material for Actors of Color can be limited) I can only own my feelings