
Schtick. If stereotypes are your area of expertise, be advised.

Like Missanelli or not, he’s not a racist. He’s frequetly criticized for being overly PC. As far as sports hosts go, he has a pretty good view on race relations and talks about it frequently.

Right. There’s something else going in here. Was he warned in the past to stay completely away from inflammatory issues (race) and he didn’t do it?

Full disclosure: I like sports. Played in college. Helped coach my son’s and daughter’s teams whenever they asked. I’ll go to sporting events gift someone else is taking me to a game or if I’m given tickets). Like to attend minor league games.

The fake caller was in management at the station, not the host. The host was reportedly clueless. The fake caller technically is kicked off air because he can’t ever call back in as him. He could be fired, sure. But as he’s higher up on the totem pole than the on air talent, that might not happen.

So the white guy pretending to be black stays on, but the guy criticizing the white guy pretending to be black... he gets the axe?

Right! I’m not a fan of hers because her comedy is not my style, not because of racist/sexist crap. And as a not-fan, I mostly just ignore her - there’s absolutely no situation in which invading someone’s privacy like this is okay.

I totally respect not being a fan. But to say shes perpetuating stereotypes for essentially being herself is policing her for being the wrong type of woman of color.

I can’t plus 1 this enough. Her stereotypical shtick is terrible, but let her be.

It reels indeed

I'm not a huge fan of her either, but me thinks these hackers are not fans of hers for entirely different reasons. This is just number 5,572,890 in why we can't have nice things.

And, you know, that’s reasonable. Everyone isn’t going to be a fan of Leslie Jones but jesus christ, what is wrong with people who think an invasion of privacy and terrorizing someone online is the appropriate response? What happened to saying hey not my thing, or here’s a critique of her work and then dropping it?

Very Different scenarios, also. different editors, different time and different site...hmmm

Trust me, the “good” gawker trolls are even worse. Bad trolls are obvious. Good trolls can derail an entire article with a comment.

Ditto here. So grateful that literally nobody cares what a librarian wears.

correct. and they aren’t even the GOOD gawker trolls. they’re like, the guys who the Gawker trolls wouldn’t let in the cool troll club so now they’re trying again over here. It’s not even sporting to mess with them, honestly, but I’m in a mood.

I think we’re getting an obnoxious influx of ignorant fucks with too much time on their hands now because they can’t troll anymore.

Somebody’s feefee’s got hurt. Love a dude trolling Jezebel calling people everyone cunts (because he’s so sure that will trigger us all) but BOY he can’t handle even the gentlest retaliation. Don’t dismiss what you invite, boo boo. Kisses!

I thought that WAS the librarian uniform.